11 DECEMBER 1909, Page 1

We should like to draw attention to a sensible letter

in thc Morning Post of Friday in which Lord Portsmouth, thr Under-Secretary for War under Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman points out that the Peers are not fighting for obsolete privileges, but for the independence of a Second Chamber against the tyranny of government by the Cabinet acting through a temporary majority in the Commons that is controlled by party caucuses. The caucuses dominate th Liberal Party, and the Liberal Party has the pretension to dominate the Lords. Therefore the aim is to govern the country by caucus, and this is called democracy! Mr. Asquith, at the time when we write these lines, has not yet told the country how he proposes to deal with the Second Chamber question. He may or may not have a scheme, but it is still all in the air, and we cannot believe that the people will commit themselves to a policy about which there is nothing firm, definite, coherent, or conclusive.