11 DECEMBER 1920, Page 2

But the real question is : In what spirit is

France trying to work the new principle of the co-operation of nations which is embodied in the Treaty. of Versailles? In our opinion safety cannot be secured for any nation on the old lines except on terms which would mean ruin. Safety for France is really to be found in the League of Nations. Risks there will be, but they will be less than other risks. Lord Derby made a vehement attack upon the writer in the Echo de Paris who calls himself " Pertinax." If any man, said Lord Derby, deserved an Iron Cross for making trouble between Great Britain and France " Pertinax " was that man. " Pertinax " defended himself the next day in the Times, arguing that though he bad felt it his duty to speak bluntly he had always done so in the firm belief that only truth-telling could bring about the permanent Franco- British friendship which he desired.