11 DECEMBER 1926, Page 19


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—For many years it has been the privilege of the Com- mittee of the Poor Clergy Relief Corporation to endeavour to minister to the special wants of the poorer Clergy, always in greater evidence at this season of the year, and never more so than at present.

To save homes where families are gathered together from a crushing sense of poverty is an object that will appeal to all. The Committee, therefore, earnestly hope that all friends of the poorer Clergy who are able to help will give their assistance now, so that the Committee may not fail those who have hitherto looked to them for aid.—I am, Sir, &c., Wm. Russrm., Chairman of the Committee, Prebendary of St. Paul's Cathedral.

P.S.—Subscriptions and donations should be sent to the Secretary, Mr. Mandeville B. Phillips, 88 Tavistock Place, London, W.C. 1.