11 DECEMBER 1993, Page 34

Hitting the target

Sir: Barry Legg's belief (Letters, 23 Octo- ber) that the so-called targeting of welfare benefits will reduce a burgeoning beneficia- ry class is wrong. Targeting of welfare bene- fits increases welfare dependency by encouraging a generation already lacking in pride and self-discipline to reduce their cir- cumstances to the point where they fall into the prescribed target area — a fact proven by the attempted targeting of health care in New Zealand.

Every western democracy suffers from a surfeit of welfarism, and the only solution to this chronic problem involves the dis- mantling of their respective welfare sys- tems. His advocacy of the use of a smart card to curb welfare fraud is the first step down the slippery slope to totalitarianism and puts the preservation of a welfare state, economically and morally indefensible, ahead of the civil rights that form the foundation of a healthy democracy.

Garth Hamilton

Becks, R.D.2 Omakau, Central Otago, New Zealand