11 FEBRUARY 1832, Page 12


There was also tried in the Court of Exchequer, on Thursday, an action brought against tho Gb.be newspaper for a libel on a.3 ir. French. The Elul consisted of a pamgraph copied from the 27;gc: and other papers, whit+ stated that a true bill of indictment luta beea found against French, for sending threatening letters to Mr. Trotter, brother- in-law of Sinclair tlw singer. No malice was charged nor clairgaail;le ; in fact, the Globe knew no more of Mr. French than of the lI;111 in the moon. The moment the error was pointed out, an apoleae rOit- tradirtion was inserted. An action had been brought against the Tin!es, the original offender, and a verdict obtained of 40s. The Jury of Thursday gave a verdict against the Globe, the copier of the offence, of z:0/. ! Such is the consistency and judgment of the British palladium !