11 FEBRUARY 1837, Page 14



The variations of the Stock Market have not been extensive ; the only pe- riod at which it has evinced any agitation having been yesterdat., when, during the prolonged sitting of the Bank Directors, some fluctuations occurred., Las usually been the ease of late, reports of the augmentation of the rate o ills- couat were rife ; but the expectations of the speculators for the fall, have only been again excited to experience another disappointment. Two failut cs have this week occurred, one in London and the other at Liverpool ; and the liabili- ties of each of the houses have been roughly stated at 250,000f. Thu firm of the London house is WA kwIcK arid CLACCE rr, who are extensive American reerchants, and largely concerned in the tobacco-tide, of which commodity they are very large holders : that of the Liverpool establishment is Renaisii

and Co., extensive wholesale grocers. Money is very scarce, and tliffi•

cult to be obtained even upon hills of the very first class. The

exchanges, however, have evinced symptoms of improvement : the rates both on Amsterdam and Paris ate slightly higher; and, no doubt, would have improved snore considerably, but that there has been a very great demand for bills upon both those places. The bills upon Ilolland were required chiefly as remit- tances, to pay for the large amount of Spanish Stock recently sold here on Dutch Account ; while the remittances to Paris were principally taken by an eminent mercantile Liaise who act as agents for Don CArcaos ; whence it is inferreJ, that the Spanish Pretender has at last succeeded in raising money, of which he stands at preserit in such extreme need. Both Bank and Italia Stock maintain their prices the former is still regarded with favour by our capitalists, who iuifr from the tone of the Johrt Stock Bank debate in the Bouse of Commons. tied any enactment that may take place during the se•aion will go to extend the influence and perpetuate the monopoly of the Bank of England.

In the Foreign Alas bet, the European Continental Snake are rather flatter. Spanish Stock had declined to 24 ; the continued delay in the military opera- tions, and the qui aititiea of stock poured into the market from Holland and Belgium, having laaducial a fall of 1 per cent. front our last prima It has, bowever, reached to-day the full extent of Ha' late decline.

Portriguete Stock has been depressed to 47.1.? ; but has agaiu improved to 484. The South American Stocks are completely neglected.

The Railway Slimes have also been heavy t an impulse was, however, given

to those of the Greeawich, by an extraordinary increase of passerigers upon the line on two daystliis eveck, and the shares rose from I dis. to 1 pretn. ; but this improvement has not been maintained. There is not any material alteration in any of the other varieties ; riot have the transactions in them been teach as to require remark.

SAWED SY, TW ELVE O'CLOCK. We are without variation in the English Market. In the Foreign,

Spanish Stuck has risen per cent. ; the present price of Active being 251

26. ; Passive is 71 la awl Deferred ll . The South American Stocks are, however, the chief objects of attraction. A letter has been received by the agents of the Guatemala Loan, stating that the Government of Central America would, in the approaching session of Congress, proceed to the • haaidation of its foreign debt ; and on the appearance of this letter in the runes nc. this morning, the Stock, which was yesterday at 32, it; to-day at 50; being a nominal rise 418 per cent. ; for wehelievethat not a single name, tom has occurred in these Securities today. The amount of debt is very trifling, viz. only 146,0001. This circumstance has attracted attention to South American Securities; and both Columbian and Mexican have improved about 1 per cent.

SATURDAY, FOUR O'CLOCK. Consols have been I lower than the opening price. Money has become scarce during the afternoon ; and some considerable sales of Three-and- a-half per Cents. and Three-and. a-half per Cents. Reduced, loud depressed the English Funds generally. But just before four o'clock, the price of' Consols improved, and the market closes at the morning's quotatious. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock, which bad recoiled to 254, has again improved to 2511 17, prem. Portuguese Bonds are per cent. higher. The prices of the South Aniericat Stocks have been fully sustained, although the business transacted in them has been but trifling. We are not able to quote any bargains in the Guatemala Stock, but the nominal quotation is 50 52.

The market for Railway Shams is mike inactive.

3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent. Reduced

New 34 per Cent Amas exalter

Ralik Stock Italia Stock Exchequer Bills Belgian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents

75i Ge 54


Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts. 483 fI Ditto 3 per Cent . 301 14

Ditto 5 per f7ents 1836 tenth 514 Prussian (1818) 5 per Cent --- Russian (1:422) 5 per Cent 1084 104 Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent 251 6 891 Danish 3 per Cents.

01. ; Dutch 24 pet rtlits' 9113 3 Mexican it pe C

r ent 974 2074 -- 2623 1014 24 25 6