11 FEBRUARY 1843, Page 21


Tuesday, Feb. 7.


Barrow and Hawkesworth. Durkin-upon-Trent, surgeons-Bourne and Steel, Great

Newport Street, Leicester Square, glass-dealers-M. and J. Pitt, Straud, hosiers- Wingroee and Walker, Hammersmith, linendrapers-Anichini and Moate, Fenchurch Street. sworn brokers-Sugden and Cassie. Preston, stone masons-J. and J. Allpress, Barnsbury Place, Islington, lacemen-Fletcher aud Wardroper, Arundel, Sussex. sur. gross-Hay and Eldridge, Great Queen Street, coachmakers-J. Newcomb. Son. and Jones, Skinner Street, carpet-manufacturers; as far as regards J. Nee comb-Schol- field and Co. Worcester. porter.merchants-Ilazle and Hedly, Wood Street, Cheapside, agents-Oldroyd and Magrath. Bread Street. warehousemen-Mather and Hamer, Heap Bridge, Lancashire, rag and paper dealers -Lester and Co. Brighton, grocers - Astbury and Royston. Bradford, millwrights-Johnson and Co. Manchester, carriers - T. and T. J. Champion, Tunbridge Wells, bootmakers-W. and G. Prestige, Hemp. stead Road. buttermen - Wrathall and Hornbuckle. Arthur Street West, printing-ink manufacturers-W. and C. Rich. St. Martin's le Grand. vellumbiuders - Duncan and Co. Oldham, cotton-spinners-Wise and Co. Cowper Street, City Road, steam sawyers; as far as regnrds G. J. Norris.


Eastwood, Huddersfield, bread-baker-Vivian, Gerrard Street, commercial agent- Kittoe, Thayer Street, surgeon-Halford, Newland. Gloucestershire, cattle sales- man-Wilkinson, Clifton. Yorkshire, victualler-Hutchins, Grays. Essex, butcher- Milner, Elvington. Yorkshire, shoemaker-Pickering. Ecclesfield. Yorkshire. grinder -Webster, Riccall, Yorkshire, veterinary stageon-Bourn. Birmingham, sabimitmaker -Pariah. Tredegar, Monmouthshire, victualler-Hayward, Bedford Place, Mile End Old Town, bonnet-maker-Cowley. Exeter, out of business-Bryan. Swymbridge, Devonshire, surgeon-Roberts, Headington. Oxford. out of busiuess-Rye, Old Ford, seller of birch brooms -Sudbury, Queen Street. Golden Square, coach-maker-Boyle. Leeds, dealer in earthernware-Harrap, Leeds, clerk to a solicitor-Stork. Bradford, Yorkshire, dealer in butter-Edwards. Manchester, engineer -Robinson. Stoke-upon. Trent. cabinetmaker- George Levy (commonly known as George Lewis), Palsgrave

Place, Strand, auctioneer BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.

TOMLINSON, WILLIAM, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, manger.


BERRY, THOMAS, Lea-es, brewer, to surrender Feb. 14, March 17: solicitors. Messrs. Dimmoek and Burdey, Size Lane ; official assiguee, Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street. DENvER, Wit.r.zaat and NIXEY, WILLIAM, Liverpool. woollendrapers, Feb. 17, March 17 ;solicitors. Messrs. Chester and Toulmin, Staple Inn ; and Messrs. Morecroft and Son. Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Foliett, Liverpool. ELLIOT, ROBERT, Sheffield, merchant, Feb. 24, March 22; solicitors, Mr. Fiddea. Temple; and Mr. Branson, Sheffield ; official assignee, Mr. Freeman, Leeds.

Ewer, .Iona. Sheffield, merchant, Feb. 24, March 22: solicitors, Mr. Pulley, Temple; and Mr. Branson, Sheffield; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds,

GORDON, Limes. Liverpool, merchant, Feb. 15. March 17; solicitors, Sharpe and Co. Bedford Row ; and Lowndes and Co. Liverpool; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool. Jowes, Wri.elaw. Cardiff, ship-builder, Feb. 28, March 21 solicitors. Messrs. Clarke and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Messrs. Savory and Co. Bristol; official assignee, Mr. Hutton. Bristol.

Oveereorme, Jonsr, Arundel, plumber, Feb. 14, March 17; solicitor, Mr. Emith- wane Sergeant's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher. King's Arms Yard. Liens. JOiEpH, Southampton, shoemaker, Feb. 15, March 21: solicitor, Mr. Wilson, Aldermanbury ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury. REYNOLDS. THOMAS junior, Great St. Helen's, merchant, Feb. 23, March 21: soli- citors, Messrs. Barker and Rose, Mark Lane; official assiguee, Mr. Edwards, Frede- rick's Place, Vera JoHN, Milton, gold-lace-maker, Feb. 23, March 21; solicitors, Messrs. Brown and Co. Mincing Lane official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place. %um, JOHN, Hayfield, Derbyshire, grocer. Feb. 21, March 17: solicitors, Messrs. Pocock and Wilkin, Bartholomew Close ; Mr. Turner, Stockport; official assignee, Mr. Holt, Manchester, WALKER, THOMAS. Leeds. brewer, Feb. 24, March 17: solicitor, Mr. Sager. Kirk- stall; official assignee. Mr. Young. Leeds. W000, JOHN, Greasley. Nottiughamshire, miller, Feb. 21, March 16; solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; and Mr. Bewley, Nottingham; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds. DIVIDENDS.

March 3, Ford, Aylesbury, grocer -March 3, Blain, St. Andrew's Road:Southwark, draper-March 3. Dickins, Northampton, upholsterer-Feb. 28, Street, Rickiughall Superior, Suffolk, grocer-March 2, Boucher, Birmingham, shawl-dealer-March 1, Ring and Co. Old Street Road. coach-builders-March 1. Snelling junior, Worthing, ?rocer_March I, Millington, Nottingham. nail-maker-March 2, Brooks, Liverpool, inel-keeper-March 15, Heap. Burnley, publican-March 6, Rowley senior. Wolver- hampton, currycomb-maker-March 2. Buglass, Sunderland, victualler-March 2, Smith, Bishopwearffiouth, mercliant-March 2, Linden, Plymouth, merchant -March 2, Rogers, Dartmouth, wine-merchant.


To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Feb. 28.

Bridge, Ashton uigh Birmingham, bocemaker-Tomlin. Lis erpool, drysalter- Grant, Wellington Street, Strand, printer-Jacob. manchester, merchant-Brooks. Liverpool, hotelkeeper-Waite, Leeds, cloth-manufacturer -Bluduell, Seacombe, Cheshire, rec- tifier-Bell, Newcastle upon-Tyne, tea-dealer.

To be granted. rmless cause be damn to the contrary. on the day of meting. March 2, Perch al, Bishop's Stertford, innkeeper-March 3. Wood Pickett Street Chambers. bill-broker-March 2, Robinson and Son, Bedford. grocers-Feb. 28, Street, Rickingball Superior, Suffolk, grocer-Feb. 28, Simmons, Prince's Risborough, corn-

dealer-March 4, Clack, Sekfora Street, Clerkenwell. baker-March 3, Thenison. Croydon. nurseryman-March 2, Bould, Halifax. cotton-spinner-March 2. Walton, Northallerton. money-scrivener-March 1. Carr, Monkwearmouth Shore, ship builder -Feb. 28, Taylor, Middlesbrough. coal-fitter-March 3, James, Cheltenham. wine- merchant-March 3. Jeffreys, Much %Venlock, miller-Mnrch 3. Edistou, Leaming- ton Priors, music seller-March 3. Stokes Dudley. builder- March 3, Hilton. Manches- ter, cotton-manufacturer-March 2, Price, Birmingham. general dealer-Feb. 28, Sim- mons, Atherstoue, furnishing ironmonger-March 6. Blaxland, Birmingham, woollen- draper-March 4. Lnycock. Leeds, cloth' manufactuier-March 2, Sorsby, Sheffield, innkeeper-March 4. Heap, Burnley, publican-March 4. Holroy d, Wheatley, York-

shire, cotton-warp maker. SEQUESTRATIONS. Foasyea, Jon, Edinburgh, builder, Feb. 13, March 6. M GRIOOR, ALEXANDER, Glasgow, cabinet-maker. Feb. 10, March 3. M'GRE0011. and FOOTE, Craigend, Perthshire, potato-dealer, Feb. 4, March 7. RITCHIE, THOMAS, Edinburgh, painter Feb. 13, March 6.

Friday, Feb. 10.


V. and W. Hall,,Langer aatl Wiverton, Nottinghamshire. farmers-Ambler and Morton, Wakefield. stonemasons-J. and %V. Littiewood, Sheffield. grocers- Esdell aud Bowcock. Warrington. confectioners-Day and Co. Commercial Read. Pimlico -Ta- verner and Furman, Trinity Square, Tower Hill, wine-merchants -Hopkins and Co. Brook's Wharf, London, carriers-J. and J. It. Crabb, Millbrook, Hants, schoolmas- ters-Walker awl Elam, Huddersfield, livery-stalee-keepers-Turner and Wood, Chelltam Hill. Lancashire, joiners-Dawson and Co. Manchester, calico-printers- J. and T. Taylor. Tottenham Court Road, tailors-S. M. aud S. Bailey. Liverpaol, cotton-brokers-Adams and Mills, Bristol. tobacco-dealers-Baker and Smith, Salford, plasterers-Hewett and Co. Bristol, cottonaviuders -Denton land Serjeant, Bother- hithe, stone-merchants-Fox and Co. Canton; as far as regards Fox and Strachan- Daintry and Harrison, Newman Street, Oxford Street, pianoforte makers.


Halton', Newland. Gloucestershire, cattle salesman-Milner. Elvington. Yorkshire, shoemaker- Burt, Providence Street. Newington, compositor-Whitbourn. Tooley Street, journeyman fishmouger -Fox, Aske Terrace, Hoxtou, out of lousiness-Hope, Warrington. Lancashire, printer-White, liempston. Bedfordshire. butcher-Hancock, Narberth, Pembrokeshire. schoolmaster-Hilton, Mottram. Cheshire. railway police- man-Andrew, Manchester. attorney-Wood, Leeds. pianoforte-tuner-Hollis. earls- brooke. Isle of Wight, baker-Laws, Hackney Road, linendraper. -Rutter. Aston juxta Birmingham, out of business-Toy, Birmingham, out of business-Ladyman. Liverpool. ironmonger-Yardley, Astley Abbotts. Shropshire. blacesmith -Jeremy, Barge Yard, Itticklersbury, commission agent- Clark, Half Moots Street, lodging- house keeper-Whaltey,Greenwich, out of business.


Palters, W. H. Birmingham, hosier.


BARRACIA41011. Sons, Bradford, timber-merchant, to surrender Feb. 22, March 15 : so. licitor, Mr. Clegg. Bradford; official assignee, Mr. Freemaa, Leeds. BRAIN, AARON. Bedwellty. Monmouthshire, shopkeeper, Feb. 27, March 24: solici- trrs. Mr. Hail. New Boswell Court: and Messrs. Protheroe and Towgood, Newport; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Bristol. COOPER, Insane Sutton, Macclesfield, mercer, Feb.22, March 22: solicitors, Messrs. Baxter, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Messrs. Sale and Worthington. Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Hobson.

Drew:sera NATHANIEL, Manchester. dyer. Feb. 24, March 15: solicitors, Messrs. Makinsou and Sanders, Temple ; and Messrs. Atkinson and Saunders, Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Pott, Manchester.

Joyce, Teomes, Bristol, woollendraper, Feb 27, March, 10: solicitors, Messrs. Shat- lock and Cracknell, Bristol ; official assignee. Mr. Acraman. Bristol.

PEARSON, THOMAS, Liverpool Road, builder, Feb. 22. 'March 30: solicitors. Messrs. Roy and Co. Lothbitry; official assignee. Mr. Gibson. Basiuglsall Street. SHEPHERD, RICHARD, Liverpool, bootmaker, Feb. 24, March 24: solicitors. Messrs.

Vincent and Sherwood, Temple ; and Messrs. Brabuer and Atkinson, Liverpool ; offi- cial assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool.

- SPIVEY, JOHN, Kirkheaton. Yorkshire, provision-dealer. Feb. 25. March 16: solicitor, Mr. Heap, Huddersfield; official assignee. Mr. Hope. Leeds, THORNTON, Wiemera CARR, Birstal, Yorkshire, machine-maker. Feb. 21, March 14; solicitor, Mr. Humble. Cleckheaton ; official assignee, Mr. Fearne, Leeds. Twee, EDWARD, Bedford Street, Bedford Square. money serivener. Feb. 25, March 24: solicitor, Mr. Bull, Ely Place, Holburn Hill; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Ab- church Lane.

Werreeew. Jesus and THOMAS, Lichfield Street. Soho, carpenters, Feb. 21, March 14; solicitor, Mr. Johnson, Chancery Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Alderman- bury. DIVIDENDS.

March 3, Nairoland Liston, Watling Street, linen-manufacturers-March 3, Clarke

and Borges, Coal Exchange, coal factors-March 3. Brocksopp, Borough, cheesemen- ger-March 7, Jones. Staines, linendraper-March 7. Dixon and Taylor. Great Win- chester Street, merchants-March 7, Chandler and King, ,St. Paul's Churchyard, woollendraper-March 6, Swallow and Suns. Halifax, corn-millers-March 9, Huskis- son, Birmingham, linendraper -March 6. Baker, Birmingham. timber-merchant.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or Wire March 3.

Lane, senior, Stockport, cotton manufacturer-Nairn and Liston, Watling Street, woollen manufacturers-Goodman, Northampton, cutler-Elder. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, grocer -Atkinson, Beccles, malster-Fielder, Brewer Street, Somers Town. baker-Hartley, Liverpool, hatter -Ashwell, Salford, grocer-Blumenthal, Birming- ham. wine-merchant-Maunders, Weymouth. grocer-Walker, Drury Lane, looking. glass manufacturer-Thompson, Stafford, silk throwster -Barton, St. Helens, watch- mavement maker-Gibson, Whitechapel, geocer -Young. Southampton, builder-An. trobus. Birmingham, plater-Gardner, senior. Godalming, brewer-Green, Birming- ham, cabinet case maker-Triggs, Southampton, upholsterer-Brown. Manchester, stuff manufacturer-Oldham. Manchester, commissson agent-S.andW.Heywood, Man- chester. warehouseman-Clarke, Rugby, mercer-Stauway, Stoke-upon-Trent. colifec- tiouer-Aird, East Harrington, cattle salesman-Magnus, Dover, slopseller -Mitchell, Devizes.ftea-dealer.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on the day of meeting.

March 4, Capon, New Bond Street, hatter-March 4, Lewis, Ebley, Gloucester- shire, woollen-cloth manufacturer-March 4, Hall, Kennington Cross, coach-master - March 3, Richmond, Cowley, Oxfordshire, corn dealer-March 4. Miles. Southampten, smitten-draper-March 4, Knight. Green Arbour Court. printer-March 3, Field Beaumont Street, Marylebone, coachtnaker-March 6. R. Evans, and Co. Barge Yard. Bucklersbury, East India merchants- March 3. Flack, Lambeth Street, licensed victualler-March 4, Colliosou. South Melton Street, carpenter-March 4, Olden, New Sarum, grocer-March 4, Hextall, Regent Street, laceman-March 6, Coltherup, Rochester, dyer-March 3, Harris, St. Alban's, grocer-March 10. Dell, Strand, tavern-keeper-March 3, Willock, Huddersfield, merchant-March 6, Ellis. Mans. field, brush-maker-March 3, Crowther, Huddersfield, corn-miller-March 7. Hart- uell. Rodborough, Gloucestershire, common carrier-March 7, Ante'. Bourne, Gloucestershire. umbrella stick maker-March 14, Wilde, Ross, Herefordshire, tan- ner-March 7. Scott, Barnwood, Gloucestershire, brick-maker-March 14, Hayward. Downfleld and Stroud. Gloucestershise, common-brewer-March 3, Atkinson, Temple Sowerby, Westmoreland, banker-March '7. Taylor anti Butterworth. Rochdale, painters-March 7. Matthews, Pendleton. Lancashire. victualler-March 6, Higgins, Birmiugham, fishmonger-March 2, Baker and Swinburne, Birmingham, timber- merchant-March 3, Souter, Birmingham, japanner.

SCOTCH SEQUESTRATI, NS. FRASER, D. Kessock, innkeeper, Feb. 16, March 16, MAITLAND, J. Kilmaurs. Owe manufacturer, Feb. 15, March 16. M•Geecur, D. Glasgow, chymist, Feb. 14, March 7. WALKER, E. Glasgow, china merchant, Feb. 15, March S.