11 FEBRUARY 1911, Page 2

The outbreak of plague in Manchuria has been spreading with

alarming rapidity. It seems to have originated at Slarbin, but it has already extended far southwards into China and westwards into Siberia. Cases have occurred in Tientsin and Peking, and it is reported that Transbaikalia is infected. The disease has so far taken the pneumonic form, which is much more infections as well as deadlier than the bubonie.- The town of Fudsia.dsian, the Chinese quarter of Klarbin; has fallen in population from sixty thousand to twelve thousand. It is impossible, however, to say how much of this reduction is due to deaths, as the exodus of inhabitants has been so great. Plague is stated to be a winter disease in Manchuria, and as the spring advances it is hoped that the epidemic may become bubonic in form, and gradually diminish in severity. It is of sinister interest for us to notice the statement made in Saturday's Times to the effect that the plague is endemie in Transbaikalia among a species of marmots which are much hunted there.