11 FEBRUARY 1911, Page 3

It is with deep regret that we record the death,

owing to an encounter with a lion in British East Africa, of Mr. George Grey, Sir Edward Grey's brother. Mr. Grey spent twenty years of his life in South Africa, and was esteemed as a man of sterling character, modesty, and courage. He served in both the Matabele wars—in the first as a trooper, and in the second as commander of Grey's Scouts. Taking part in adventurous schemes of exploration and mining—he was for some time manager in South Africa of the Tanganyika Con- cessions Co.—be was always a wise servant of his country. A pioneer and discoverer who penetrated into remote places, he leaves behind him a reputation for unfailing justice and kindliness. All Englishmen will offer their sympathy to Sir Edward Grey in his sorrow.