11 FEBRUARY 1922, Page 14


ITo THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECIATOR.".1 Sra,—Professor J. Arthur Thomson has most kindly Offered to give a lecture in aid of the Port of London Day Nursery, 6 Pier Head, Wapping, E. 1, which is in urgent-need. Although a substantial grant is received from the Ministry of Health, this does not cover our expenses, and the present difficult con- ditions of unemployment in the district, under-nourishment in the homes, and an ever-lengthening waiting list have accen- tuated the demand for treatment and the necessity to raise supplementary funds. The lecture will take place on Saturday, February 18th, at 3.15 p.m., at Devonshire House, Piccadilly, which has been most -generously lent for the occasion. This • is. theoialt public leeture-which Professor Thomsen is delIvev ing. in London during hie visit. The subject is" Some Common Animals," and, the. lecture will be illustrate& by the Professor's own wonderful picture slides. Mr. Harry Gosling will preside. Tickets, price 21 is. and Ms. 6d., can be obtained from Mrs. Reginald McKenna, 36 Sinith &mare, S.W. 1; Charles J. Mathew, Esq., N.C., 10 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.; or Messts. Lawn •an& Oilier, 2 Burlington' Gardens, W. 1.

Yon were generous enough- to help us last year by giving publicity to a. lecture which Professor Thomson delivered, for the same purpose. Is it too' much to ask that your kindness should once more be extended on behalf of this cause?—I am,