11 FEBRUARY 1922, Page 2

The exchange of views between the British and French Governments

in regard to the proposed Franco-British treaty of guarantee is continuing. It is said that France desires periodical consultations between the British and French General Staffs, as an alternative to a regular military convention, and that the proposal is unwelcome to the Government. M. Poincare is understood to have accepted the invitation to the Genoa Con- ference on certain conditions. He asks for a. guarantee that the Peace Treaties shall not be medified at Genoa, and that the decisions already reached on the question of reparation shall be maintained. He desires, it is further stated, to exact from the Bolsheviks a pledge that they will respect any engage- ments which they may make, though the value of any such pledge would be slight. The Italian political crisis has added strength to the rumour that the Conference will be postponed.