11 FEBRUARY 1922, Page 3

On Tuesday night Mr. Lansbury and his fellow Guardiana at

Poplar were the victims of an outburst of those evil revolu- tionary passions which they have steadily encouraged. The Poplar Guardians announced recently that they would double the dole to the unemployed. They were warned by Sir Alfred Mond that this must not be done, and they decided to submit to this ruling. A large party of unemployed then visited the Guardians who were in session on Tuesday evening, took possession of the offices, locked out the outer world, and held the Guardians prisoners. Mr. Lansbury, who was thoroughly aroused, indignantly denounced his jailors as cowards and fools. They may be so, for Mr. Lansbury has been an efficient mentor. Ultimately Mr. Lansbury and his son forced their way out of the building, receiving a parting salute from a fire hose. Thus in miniature and during only a few hours there was presented the history of all revolutions. The inaugurators of revolutions soon became too slow for the extremists. If they think that their persons are in danger, they soon take to terrorism in order to remove their enemies. The incidents staged at the meeting of the Poplar Guardians were a perfect little "potted play" on the subject of revolution.