11 FEBRUARY 1928, Page 26

HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. By Emile Legouis and Louis Cazamian.

Vol. II. Modern Times, 1660-1914. By L. Cazamian. Translated from the French by W. A. Maclnnes and the Author. (J. M. Dent. 10s. 6d.)— We have warmly commended Professor Legouis' brilliant survey of our literature up to the Restoration, and we can now give equal praise to Professor Cazamian's continuation of the story to our own day. It is well planned, it displays very wide and accurate knowledge, and it is extremely interesting. Professor Cazamian was quite capable of writing it in English, but he has at any rate, with Mr. Maelnnes's help, made the translation idiomatic and most readable. Many people will turn first to his lively comments on our authors of to-day- his remark, for instance, that Mr. Masefield might secure " what his competitors lack, greatness, if he had done more than try his hand at various kinds, without fully realizing himself in any." And his speculations on what the near future may hold in store for English literature are profoundly suggestive and hopeful. But the history proper is admirable and should be widely read.