11 FEBRUARY 1944, Page 14


Sia,—The trouble about " Janus " is that he has an uncanny faculty for interpreting what is in the minds of many people, and, if the B.B.C. want an insight on what the average man or woman thinks, I suggest an unofficial visit to one or two large works' canteens "Janus," interpreted by me, had no objection to a cheery "Good morning" by an announcer—it was that rather bombastic I'm-up-before-you appendage "to those who have just tuned in." Many will agree with the suggestion that a reading from the Scriptures, by any B.B.C. announcer, should take the place of the rather uninspiring " sermons " put over at 7.55 a.m. I suppose that 7.30 a.m. is the time when most people do tune in for the first time—and when they are not too bright and breezy. Why not, then, put over some light, cheerful music which will send us whistling on our way to work instead of the doleful croonings which predominate the Forces programmes from 7.30 to 7.55? The alternative attempt to educate the public in classical music at that time of the morning must surely be regarded as a hopeless failure, although it may please the specialist, who should be "on tap "—not "on top."—Yours faithfully,

35 Sandon Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. G. F. BEN/arr.