11 FEBRUARY 1944, Page 21

THE SPECTATOR" CROSSWORD No. 257 IA Book Token for one

guinea will be awarded to the sender of the firs( correct q-lution of this week's crossword ,to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, bibruary 22nd. Envelopes should be received not utter than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 2id. stamp. Solutions muss be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. 7 ;Ie solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.)


s. The school is its own muniment room. to. The other thing that one leads to. 11. Substance of many a knotty problem. Is. DOra'S Ways.

13. "That's put the lid on it," as they say.

14. A long bit of meat. 16. Savage.

20. This place doesn't change, or does it?

21. "This is - -," says Mr. Irving Berlin. (3. 4.) 24 Derisive comment on the crews' per- formance? (6, 3.)

26. "Before milk-white, now purple with love's -." (Shakespeare.) 27. Ten minutes of drama.

28. Earnest adjuration to the ancient beasts not to be cis' ales, if they do flutter!

29. Retsina. (6.


2. She's evidently got a list of graduates. 3. Parts.

4. "Resting',' perhaps for performers of 3. 4. While the sun shines, in fact.

6. You avoid it if you grasp the nettle " like a man of mettle."

7. "Now, my co-mates and brothers in ." (Shakespeare.)

8. Wordsworth appealed to the critic not to do this to the sonnet. 9. Elastic.

Is. The fruit ain't green, or is it? 27. Scene of the sad end of a missionary and a hymn-book.

18. It makes sole contact in the hall.

19. Preserve a couple of dogs.

22. Stick to this, by gum!

23. At length that is to say. (2, 3.) 25. "Time, you -, v.ho love to get Sweets into your list, put that in! " (Leigh Hunt.) 26. They make no mew.