11 FEBRUARY 1995, Page 30

No vengeance, please

Sir: My brother was one of the innocent victims of the murderers who planned and caused the destruction of Pan Am Flight 103. Perhaps I should therefore be 'Crying out for vengeance' (28 January). , Although bloodthirsty tantalising has occasionally helped to ease my gut, I know that no retaliatory act of violence can have any positive effect on people who are as stimulated by being the victims of violence as they are exhilarated by their own violent acts.

So I try to be understanding of the diffi- culty involved in dealing with governments in the grip of hysteria, or of tyrannical hys- terics, and to be patient with a press that is unable to inform its public fully without adding to that difficulty.

The only real comfort I and others like me can expect is occasionally to see the facts fully set out, and logical conclusions drawn from those facts. My thanks to you and to Mr Palmer.

Elias J.S. Kulukundis

71 Berkeley Court, Marylebone Road, London NW1