11 JANUARY 1834, Page 7



On the 27th tilt., at Zierow, in Mecklenburg', Baroness BIEL, of a son.

On the 2d inst., the Lady of the Rev. FREDERICK STORMER, of Christ Church, Mid- dlesex, of a son.

On the 341 inst.. at Brixton Hill, the Wife of Mr. Ilonosow, of a son.

On the 31st ult., at I leadingley, near Leeds, the Lady of JOHN Maristratt. junior, Esq., M.P., of a sun. On the 4th inst., at Shute House, Mrs. SCHENLEY, of a danghter. On the 1st inst., at Trinity House, Aberdeenshire, the Hon. Lady FORBES of Craigie- Tar, of a danghter.

On the 3d inst., at Tunbridge Wells, the Lady of Dr. Mayo, of a son.

On the 4th inst., in Upper Harley Street. the Lady of BENJAMIN Cosi), Esq., of a son. MARRIAGES.

On the 7th inst., at Bedfont Church. FREDERICK PottocK. Esq., M.P. for Hunting- Ion, to SARAH ANNE AMOWAH. second daughter of Captain Richard Langslow, of Hat. ton, Middlesex.

On the 1st inst., at St. George's Chapel, R0[1010113E, ROBERT CAMPBELL STEWART, to Imo*, eldest daughter of the late John Gawler, Esq., of Itridgeland, Devon. On the 6th inst.. at St. Mary's, Bryanston Square. Count GEOROS SPIRIBIGNE ME. TAXA ANZOLATO, Nobleman of the Ionian Islands, to MARIANNE PILLICHODY DE BA- TOY, of Gloucester Place, Portman Square, only child of the late Captain Pillichody, of his Majesty's 41st Regiment of Foot. On the 4th inst.. at Hatfield, the Rev. CHARLES CHILDERS, Vicar of Cantles, in Yorkshire. to BULCIRELLA, youngest daughter of Sir Robert Chester, of Bush Hall, Hertfordshire.

On the 2d inst., at Brighton, Ler DSCOMYNS Bourn, Esq., of St. Peter's College. Cam- bridge, to MARGARET, youngest daughter of the late Robert Mitchell, Esq., of the le. land of Tobago. On the 9th inst., by special licence, at the residence of Lord Tentertlen in Portman Square, the Hon. CHARLIE ARHOTT to EMILY FRANCES, the youngest daughter of Lad George Stuart.


On the 9,1 inst.. at his house in George Squat'', Edinburgh, the Rev. Dr. INGLIS. 011 the SO inst, at Great Saxhorn Ilan, in the county of Suffolk, Tuoras Mau. Esq., in his 85th year. Ou the 30th ult.. at Brighton, in his 85th y ear, WILLIAM Wuxi!, Esq., of flawfont, in t lie comity of Worcester, Doctor of Civil Law, Bencher of the Inner Temple, and late Fellow of All Souls' College, Oxford. On the 31st ult., at Walbottle House, Northumberland, in his 149th year, Wittivi PUTTER, Esq. OH the 2,1 inst., in his 64th year, JOHN CALVERT, Esq., of Astyes Row, Islington, ask

the Fire oilier.

(In the 31st ult., at Wmdmansterne, in Sorry. in his 84th year, the Rev. Dr. Be. CHAHAR, fifty years Rector of that place, and ,Magistrate of the county. On the 16th July 1833."n his rt.sage from India, Lieut. JOHN (;ROVE SHARPS, of 0118 24th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry, eldest son of the Rev, John Sharpe, or 111 idhurst.

On the 6th inst., at Boulogne. Rtcuaan MARTIN, Esq., formerly M.P. for Galway. fee Stith year.