11 JANUARY 1845, Page 4


The Dublin correspondent of the Morning Chronicle has learned from an unquestionable source that Ministers have determined to increase the grant to Maynooth College-

" A deputation from the Roman Catholic Prelates, recently assembled in this city at their annual conference, had an interview with the Lord-Lieutenant and the Chief Secretary at Dublin Castle, when they applied for an augmentation of the grant commensurate with the claims and spiritual requirements of the Roman 'Catholic population; but that deputation made the reservation that no new terms should be imposed in connexion with an increase of the grant. I understand that Lord Heytesbury and Lord Eliot earnestly supported the application of the Roman Catholic Prelates: without, however, expressing any opinion on the point as to new conditions respecting g the system of education or the government of the College. This branch of the subject has given rise to objections on the part of Ministers, and has led to a correspondence between the Home Office and Dublin Castle. The matter still remains undecided. Sir Robert Peel, it is understood, is disposed to

make the grant more than double its .present amount-2 N. 0,00 is the sum spoken of: . but he suggests certain (haves In the system of education; without, however, interfering with the spiritual control exercised by the authorities and the Board of Maynooth as at present constituted."

I have learned that Archbishop Murray is about to convene a meeting o . the clergy- of the diocese of Dublin, for the purpose of petitioning the Le- gislature to expunge from the Emancipation Act the clause affecting the regular clergy which is referred to in the Bequests Act. In Archbishop Murray's recent pastoral address, Ile condemned in very decided terms the clause against the regular clergy; against which he and his clergy had unavailingly petitioned in 1829.—Dublin Correspomlent of the Morning Chronicle. [The Dublin Pilot denies that there is foundation for the report of any such meeting.]

The first meeting of Commissioners under the Charitable Bequests Act was held at their office in Lower Gardener Street, Dublin, on Monday. The following six Commissioners were present—Dr. Whately, Dr. Murray, the Lord Chief Baron, the Master of the Bolls, Sir Patrick Bellew, and Mr. Anthony Richard Blake. The Secretaries, Mr. W. P. Mathews and Mr. IL O'Carroll, were also in attendauce. There had been a rumour that some personal violence would be offered to Dr. Murray by a mob, on his first going to the office as a Commissioner; bid nothing came of it.

The Dublin Monitor mentions another rumour—of a conspiracy dis- covered in Tipperary to murder the Archbishop of Dublin. It is said that Dr. Murray had received from a Magistrate of Cork a letter of warning to that effect. The Monitor does not attache much credit to the report. The Freeman's Journal treats it as a "Saxon" calumny. 'Flee Dublin Evening Post regards it as a" fabrication" imposed upon the Cork Magistrate.

An " aggregate" meeting of Catholics was held in Belfast Theatre on Saturday, to protest against the act; the demonstration apparently having special reference to the acceptance of office under it by the Roman Catholic 'Bishop of Dawn and Ccinnor,' Dr. Denvir. Some very -angry and dispara- ging language was used. Mr. Hugh Magill, the Chairman, said— When the question with reference to this obnoxious measure was first mooted, it Was not, he was aware, Doctor Denvies intention to join the Board of Commis- sioners, for he had told him (the Cliairnian) as Much.; but, at the. time of the meeting of Prelates in Dublin, a resolution was brought forward by Doctor Crony —(Hisses)—at that meeting Doctor Crotty brought forward a motion, to the effect that every Prelate should thmk for himself with reference to the measure: and at that very moment he was tampering with their Bishop, and inducing him to be. come one of that obnoxious Board. ( A voice in the gallery--" He sold his birthright for a 171.4.88 of pottager)

Mr. Mrtgouran attacked Dr. Crolly generally; averring that he only moved from the richer Bishopric of Down and Connor to the poor Arch- bishopric of Armagh, to get" Grace" tacked to his name. Mr. Campbell pronounced the bill "a delusion, a mockery-, and a snare." Mr. Charles M'Donnell " could tell the meeting, that lie was not aware of a single in- stance in which Dr. Crolly had ever taken part in any measure, for the good of Ireland, in Is-Inch Mr. O'Connell was engaged."

In a letter to the Belfast Northern It'hig, Mr. Edward Rorke, a Catholic, says that he attended the meeting to move an adjournment and the ap- pointment of a committee to examine and report upon the bill; but he was told that the meeting was one "to condemn the bill," and that he could not be heard.

A correspondent of the- Ilforning Post supplies' in its original Latin, copy of" such portion of the Rescript of his Holiness Pope Gregory the Sixteenth as the Irish Bishops have thought fit to communicate generally to the inferior clergy"— " Greyorius, servus servorum Dei, fratribus dileetis Archiepiscopis et Episeopis Slter0-Salleire ECCICSite Catholiew in Hibernia, salutem et Apostolic= benedie tionem.

" Dilectissimi in Domino fratres, non absque labore et plurima turbatione didi einins dissensiones ortas ease inter fideles 'u-obis subditos et Britannici Imperil rectores.

"Simper studentes commodum nostrorum fidelium filiorum in Hibernia viven- Gum, et scientes illonun faniam orthodoxie fidei ubique ten-arum diffusam, et amorem quam erga sedem nostrain Apostolicam semper habuerunt; Sentimus nos nune temporis debere prawipue vos moncre ut suadeatis eos =bus a Deo przepositi estis, ut se humiliter et emu patientia gerant in rebus us difficilibus quas Deo Omnipotenti placuit inittere in tam multas partes sacro-sanetat Ecclesisc. " Et ut hoe consilimn in eornin animos finnius incidat, hortor ut vos ipsi ab omnibus eivilibus rebus abstineatis, et prscsertim ab or= oppositione contra sta- tutum Britannici Parliamenti nuper de fidelium testamentispromulgatum. "Nos quidem, prwilicto statuto lecto, niltil in eo veritati Catholiew contrarium ant injiiriostun observamus. Sed hoc statutunt contra continere maitre pee dun out Anglia subditione sedis A postolicie pro lege habits snot.

" Scripta Roma. in Eeelesia Lateranensi, sub sigilio Piseatoris, in anno ab Inear- natione Verbi 51DCCCXLIV."

Some of our readers may prefer an English version, whichi we subjoin; making the best sense we can of the passage marked in Italic type, though it is so incorrect in the version before as to be unintelligible-

" Gregory, the servant of the servants of God, to his beloved brethren the Arch- bishops and Bishops of the most holy Catholic Church in Ireland, health and apostolic benediction. "Most beloved brethren in the Lord, not without pain and much trouble did we learn that dissensions had arisen between the faithful under your charge and the rulers of the British Empire. "Ever studying the welfare of our faithful sons living in Ireland, and knowing the repute, spread throughout the lands, of their orthodox fidth, and the love which they have ever borne towards our Apostolic See, we feel that the time has come when we ought especially to advise you that siou persuade those over whom yon have been placed by God, to bear themselves Inunbly and with patience in those peiplexities which it has pleased Ahnighty God to send in so many parts of the most holy Church. "And, that this counsel may be more strongly impressed on their minds, I

exhort von that you yourselves should abstain from all civil affairs; and especially from all opposition against the statute of the British Parliament recently pro- mulgated respecting the testaments of the faithful [the Charitable Bequests Act]. Indeed, having read the said statute, we observe in it nothing contrary or inju- rious to Catholic truth; but: on the contrary, containing many things which, re . yarding England as being in the place of the Apostolic See, are held as law.]

"Written at Rome, in the Lateran Church, under the seal of the Fisherman, in the year from the Incarnation of the Word 1814." .

The Standard throws some doubt on the authenticity of this document; remarking that its Latinity savours more of Maynooth than Rome' and guessing that it is a forgery, but founded on some general report of facts. We do not know why the slur should be cast on Maynooth; nor do we know that the Pope's infallibility extends to Latin composition. At all events, ueither Pope nor College should be made responsible for the evident blundering of some erroneous printer or copyist.

A French paper gives the following account of the Rescript; in some degree corroborating the authenticity of the version above, with the addi- tion, however, of preposterously extravagant and incredible assertions- " According to letters from Rome, the British Government has at length obtained from the Pope the letter which it desired to be addressed to the Primate and Catholic Bishops of Ireland. In this letter, Gregory the Sixteenth commaals the Irish Bishops not to meddle in political affitirs; and, moreover, to preach to their flocks obedience to the British Government. The British Ministry, in order to obtain this concession, is said to have threatened the Court of Rome that they would i

excite a revolt n the Papal states where the elements of revolution are warm. For that reason, the Pope preferred' his temporal to his spiritual interests, and has reprimanded the Irish; as in the year 1832 he reprimanded the Poles, who rose in insurrection against Russia. This intelligence has made a bad impression even at Rome, where it is feared that the Irish Catholics may publish a declaration against the Pontifical authority."

The Reverend J. Miley has replied, through the Freeman's Journal, to the paper in the Times which cited several Protestant Continental countries as exem- plifying the policy of maintaining some diplomatic relation with the Court of Rome. The general object of Mr. Miley's letter is to show that, instead of recon- ciling the Irish people to the prospect of a concordat between the Pope and the Court of St. James s, the examples ought to alarm them; since in the countries specified the Roman Catholic Church labours under great oppression. With respect to France, the coneordat which may be considered as of most force is that of 1801, dictated by Napoleon after the battle of Marengo: by its fourth article, it enables the First Consul to nominate the Bishops; but it expressly provides, that "in case any of the successors of the present First Consul shall not be Catholic, the rights and prerogatives mentioned in the article above, and the nomi- nation to the Bishoprics, shall be regulated, with respect to him, by a new =yen- lion." With Prussia there is no positive convention; but practically there is an arrangement by which in Posen and the Rhenish provinces the King enjoys a veto on the appointment of Bishops: but the Catholics are referred to the treatment of the Archbishop of Cologne who was exiled " solely because, like the Prince of the Apostles, he deemed it better to obey God than a despot who required him to betray his office." In Austria, the Catholic Church has suffered a series of indig- nities and oppressions, and is in " bondage."

We announced last week that her Majesty had been graciously pleased to order 2001. to be given towards the repairs of Saint Patrick's Cathedral; and now we are gratified by learning that his Royal Highness Prince Albert, as a Knight of Saint Patrick's, has recommended 1001. to be given to the same praiseworthy pur- pose; an example which we expect to End followed by all the Companions at the most illustrious Order.—Dublin Evening Mail.

At the weekly meeting of the Repeal Association, on Monday, business began with the reading of a letter from Mr. O'Connell to Mr. Ray, enclosing 51, as the subscription of the writer's immediate relatives towards the Re- peal rent for 1845. He added- " I will be in Dublin to rally for the Repeal as speedily as I can tear myself from this delightful spot [Darryuane.] Give, or renew, my notice for Monday week of a motion to make such arrangements during the next session of Par- liament as may preclude the necessity of the Repeal Members attending in London. I have a strong impression that the Repeal cause—the only thing in which the Irish people have a real interest—can be best managed and promoted in Ireland." A letter was read from Mr. Steele, announcing the complete success of his mission to pacify the county of Leitrim. Mr. Smith O'Brien was the chief speaker of the day.

He declared his conviction that his services were of more use to his country in Conciliation Hall than in St. Stephen's Chapel ; in which opinion he was upheld by his constituents. The Cork Examiner, one of the ablest supporters of Repeal, had advocated the policy of sending Repeal Members to Parliament. He difiered entirely from that jouroal. They might as well endeavour to persuade the wolf to relinquish his prey, as induce the people of England to grant a repeal of the Union- Had not their grievances been pressed upon the attention of the Legis- lature and England generally till they had almost become a by-word? Redress was only to be achieved through their own exertions. Another part of Mr. O'Brien's speech was devoted to the denial that Mr. O'Connell has lost his in- fluence in Ireland. The attempt to sow disunion by the Bequests Act would fail ; for, unless that act were greatly amended, the Prelates who had accepted office under it would refuse to assist in carrying out a measure so obnoxious to the country at large. Tho decline of the Repeal rent had also furnished their friends on the other side with a subject of gratulation; but he trusted that the people of Ireland would contradict tint assertion, by v1iinatiziiig that taxation—

self-imposed taxation, which should continue till the Union was repealed.

The rent for the week (including the O'Connell contribution of 511.) was 2441.

The Tipperaly Vindicator reports, that " the first active and energetic step has been taken towards the effectual suppression of crime in this county, at the Toomevara fleeting held on Sunday; the respected pastor, the Re- verend John Meagher, in the chair. The substantial farmers of the parish were present in great numbers—the clergy, who all have at heart the real interests of the people, were there. All boldly declared their determination to exert every influence, to strain every nerve, to leave nothing undone, to put a termination to the present afflicting and deplorable state of things, as far at least as that district has been involved." Two curious things, how- ever, may be observed in the proceedings. The reverend Chairman used this strange language, probably by way of reconciling the Tipperary " boys " to themselves and to decent behaviour- " The English were not restrained by the moral precepts nor the religious feel- ings which were so deeply inculcated on the hearts of Irishmen. Neither could they bear the sufferings to which the Irish people were and had been forced pa- tiently to submit. They could not endure the poverty, the absolute starvation the Irish did. (" Hear, hear!") The English were gourmands, and unless they had sufficiency to eat no feeling of propriety or religious scruple could deter them from committing even a most horrible crime. "Hear.") An Englishman would kill his father—("Hear, hear!")—but the Irishman would not. An Eng- lishman would go deliberately to commit a crime, but an honest Irishman would not. ("Hear, hear!") In a moment of forgetfulness or irritation, or when his reason was drowned in the intoxicating draught, an Irishman might commit a rash deed; but let it not be said of any of them that they ever committed an act deliberate villany." (" Hear, hair!" and vehement cheers.) The other circumstance is of a less innocent nature- " We should observe—we do so with pain—that the bad characters of the parish were not to be seen on the occasion. On the contrary, it is believed that they absented themselves in a malignant spirit of utter defiance ! A ruffian who had been sentenced to transportation, but who, for causes with which, of course, those who remitted the punishment are aware, was again let loose on society: this ruffian, who it would appear was the first to introduce into this the Riband test from a neighbouring county, and who has been long notorious, was before the meeting enticing as many as he could influence from the place ; but those whom he influenced were comparatively few, and the meeting could not have been more excellent in every respect."

Others of the Roman Catholic clergy in Tipperary have been adminis- tering a " pledge " to the people not to commit " agrarianisms."

The Tipperary Vindicator tells another story of "heroic conduct in a young Woman." 'A daring attack was made on the night of Tuesday, by a gang of ruffians paid for disturbing the public peace, on the house of a humble but in- dustrious, well-conducted man, of the name of Flaherty, in the neighbouring parish of Monsea, and within two or three miles of Nenagli. The intention of the miscreants was to steal a gun, of which they were aware Flaherty was pos- sessed. Having made an entrance, they loudly demanded the prize for winch they sought. Much to their astonishment, they were instantly met by defiance ! A young woman' Mary Flaherty, daughter of the owner of the lowly abode, en- countered time first of the ruffians who entered, and resolutely declared that she Was determined to die before she would permit the contemplated robbery. This, of course, did not prevent the ruffians from persevering; and one of them, in an endeavour to strike the heroic girl down, failed, whilst she took up a milk-pail that NM near her, and fought most bravely, breaking it on the head of a villain; calling on her brother, who was also in the house, to aid her; and, after an effec- tual resistance, in which she received several blows, some of them of such a des- perate character as to endanger her life, the miscreants were driven off, unable to accomplish their design. The young woman was brought into Nenagh on Wed- nesday morning : she lies in a very precarious condition, under the care of Dr. Kitson. Her conduct is the theme of universal praise."

From the proceedings at a Petty. Sessions held at Limerick, last week, it ap- pears that it was not merely the nffraff of the town who were implicated in the savage behaviour at the late Earl of Limerick's obsequies; for a chemist is charged with breaking open a door of the cathedral and leading a mob into the building. The investigation has been adjourned.

The burial of the humble is not allowed to take place in Ireland without insult, -any more than that of the high. William Busby, a gatekeeper at the Bishop's Palace, was buried the other day at Cork; the procession was hustled by a mob; the police had to defend the mourners; and the reading of the burial-service was drowned in the yells of the populace. The deceased appears to have been an Orangeman.

A man and his Wife have been suffocated at ldonmore, near Kilrash, by a pot of

fire which the man put into their bedroom to chy the plaster. The repeated re- ports of such disasters seem to be of little avail in making people more cautious.-

A Policeman has died at Richmond Hospital in Dublin, by the fearful horse- disease called the farcy. It is supposed to have been communicated to him by his drinking from a bucket which had been used to give water to a horse.

The College Green Police-office, Dublin, has been the scene of an amusing liti- gation; the thing in dispute being a parrot. A Mr. Davis had lost the bird; a Mr. Moore had bought it. The parrot was the chief witness, and gave conclusive evidence, amid roars of laughter. The well-tutored creature, at the word of corn - mand, kissed his master, barked like a dog, and imitated the cries of a cat, besides voluntarily whistling several tunes. A boy, who said that it would kiss any one, rashly put his own assertion to the test, and a piece of his lip was bitten out. Mr. Davis then invited any other gentleman to try his powers over the bird; but no- body accepted the ofler. The Magistrate at once pronounced that Mr. Davis had proved his ownership. It appeared that Mr. Moore had bought the stolen parrot after the police Ind left at his house a placard cautioning people against the pur- chase; and he lost I/. 13s, by not obeying the injimction.

Four children have been drowned, and much property injured, at Knockmarooe, near Dublin, by the bursting of an embanknant which enclosed an artificial lake in the upper part of Furry Glen, a romantic spot in the Phcenix Park. When the embankment gave way, a vast body of water rushed into the lower pirt of the glen, flooding several houses. More lives would have been lost hut for the exer- tions of Mr. De Laney, an officer of Dragoons, who was passing on horseback at the time, and rescued an old woman and three children from the waters. An in- quest has been held on the bodies, and a verdict of " Accidental Death " was re- turned; but the Jury declared the embankment to have been of iresufficient strength.

The Customs-duties of the porta Limeriels for 1844 exceed those of the pre- ceding year by 20,000l.—Linirrick Chronicle.