11 JANUARY 1845, Page 3

Zbr Probirtres.

The Exeter correspondence goes on. Dr. Phillpotts has written to the Reverend Dr. Edward Hawkins, Provost of Oriel College at Oxford ; who, it will be remembered, vindicated the authorities of the University from some incidental censure in the Bishop's letter to Mr. March Philipps. Dr. Phillpotts says that he did not censure the mbninistrators of the law, but the law itself ; to which Dr. Hawkins's explanation has not at all recon- ciled him; though he perceived that the late Vice-Chancellor and his assessors were actuated by that spirit of kindness, candour, and equity, which he should always expect to find in them. This was not the first time that he had distinguished between the law and its administrators. " In answer to a letter from the committee (of which I believe you were a member) for conducting the election of the present Vice-Chancellor in October last, I expressed my regret that an indispensable engagement (a confirmation fixed on the day of the election) would prevent Inc from making a journey to Oxford for the mere purpose of recording by my vote my sense of the injustice of the opposition to Dr. Symons, because be had in Dr. Pusey's case conscientiously performed a painful duty which was forced upon him." The Bishop makes some rather tart objections to the publication of the Provost's letter.

In reply, Dr. Hawkins apologizes for the publication of his letter before 'communicating with the Bishop; but says that he did it by advice of those with whom he had acted. Had he understood the censure to apply solely to the statute, he should not have taken the liberty of replying to it; and he admits that the statute might be advantageously amended. He thank- fully acknowledges Dr. Phillpotts's kind expressions towards Dr. Wyeter and his assessors; and expresses great satisfaction that there is no room for further trespassing on the Bishop's time and attention.

Here Dr. Pusey relinters the field. In a letter to " Mr. Provost," he de- nies that he had any sort of bearing before condemnation-

" The communications made to me after my sermon had been condemned were expressly declared by the Vice-Chancellor to have been made with a view to recantation, not to explanation. The only otters made to me were to sign, in the very words, certain complex doctrinal statements, (drawn up by the Vice-Chancellor, with your assistance,) which were meant as a recan- tation, or directly to recant. In refusing these statements in part, I explained why I did so; and indeed I endeavoured to force an ex post facto hearing: but my explanations, even if there had been any disposition to receive them, were no eessa* inadequate, sinee, in part I did not understand the meaning of the docu- ment which I was required to sign, and this meaning waa never mode known to me. So far from thinking it right to receive any explanation, the late Vice- Chancellor expressly objected to the answers which I made in refusing to recant, that ` they were at most qualifications of the language of my sennon'; and even implied that recantation itself would not meet the whole ease."

Dr. Pusey quotes a letter written to himself by Dr. Wynter, which fully bears out his representation.

The clergy of the Deanery of Okehampton have held two meetings, to consider the Bishop of Exeter's pastoral letter, and also his subsequent circular rescinding his peremptory order to -wear the surplice; and they commissioned the Reverend Bourchier Wrey Savile, the Dean Rural, to state the result to the Bishop; which lie did as follows, in a letter dated " Okehampton, 7th January."— " We beg leave most respectfully to assure Your Lordship, that we feel ourselves bound by our ordination-vows to comply with your Lordship's just eetnmands, and

reverently to obey our onlinary ' in all things lawful and honest, following with a glad mind and will your godly admonitions.'

" We fully appreciate the WiStill111 which your Lordship has displayed in the withdrawing your order for the use of the surplice in preaching. " Further, we beg permission honestly to state to your Lordship our decided opinion, that in the present excited state of the public mind, the rigid observance of the Rubrics would be attended with ix-I-dons results to the spiritual interests of our beloved Church; and we therekre trust, that by the judicious exercise of your Lordship's discretion and forkarance, you will be enabled so to meet the present crisis as to atlinal entire satisfactien to all the memben; of our conniumiun, and to secure, through the Divine blessing, unity. peace. and toneord. " We deeply sympathize with your Lordship in the trials which thus painful conflict has occasioned; and, sincerely wishing- p Al grace and peace from thal our Father arid our Lord Jesus Christ, we remain, with much esteem, your dutiful and affectionate brethren in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Another correspondence has appeared between the Archbishop of Can- terbury and Mr. Gabriel Kennard junior, late Clnirchwarden of East Far- leigh, about innovations alleged to have been introduced by the Reverend Mr. 'Wilberforce, the Vicar of that parish. Dr. Howley, whose letter is conceived in a tone of mild but somewhat haughty repreof. e.fere Mr. Ken- nard to previous inquiries which had been made by the Lund Dean and the Arelideaem of Maidstone. who had thund nothing reprehensible in Mr. Wilberforce's method of conducting public worship. One accusation, that Mr. Wilberforce ithroduced the word " blessed " before the 11:1111C of the Virgin Mary, the Vicar positively denied. And it appears, remarks Dr. Howley, that Mr. Kennard had not himself attended the parish church' since the beginning of March last, and therefore he must speak only from hearsay. hero, says the Archbishop, the correspondence must end. Not so: Mr. Kennard continues; declaring that the manner in which Dr. How- ley has disposed of the charges is unentisflictosy. He reasserts that Mr. Wilberforce did introduce the- word " blessed " before the name of the Virgin; and offers to prove it by two respectable witnesses. And he corn- plains that there is no evidence that the Archbishop loss seen a particular sermon preached by the Vicar- " Mr. Wilberforce may affirm that the charges alleged against him are directly contrary to the trtrth, and your Grace may believe his statements in preference to mine: but I need hardly inform your Grace that the Tractathm party are not distinguished for their strict adherence to truth where their position requires the contrary; as Mr. Newman, the leader of the sect, acknowledges it as one of their principles, that the Christian 'both thinks and speaks the truth, except when consideration is necessary; and then, as a physician for the good of his patient, he will be faLse, or utter a .fagehood, as the sophists " The following fact," this Mr. Kennard in a postscript, " will serve to con- vince your Grace that Mr. WIlberforce's proceedings in our parish are of an Am- usual character. On the night preceding Christmas Day, Mr. Wilberforce, at- tended by Mr. Herds, Churchwarden, and several men and boys of his newly- fanned choir, headed by Mr. Helmore, of her Majesty's choir, St. George's Wind- sor, paraded part of the parish, singing carols many of them carrying lights though the moon was high. They were out dins occupied from about eleven o'clock at night till four eclock in the mousing of Christmas Day."

At a meeting of the Warwickshire Association for the Protection of Agriculture, on Saturday, the subject of the Malt-tax was introduced. The letter of the Central Society, deprecating agitation on that point, was read; and Mr. Newdegate, M.P., and Sir John Mordaunt, M.P., concurred; letters from Mr. Dugdale, M.P.. and others, expressing similar views. Many gentlemen, however, advocated the repeal of the tax; and a resolu- tion was passed_ "respectfully but firmly " calling upon the County Mem- bers to support the measure. Jane Allen, the wretched woman who took a three-farthing faggot from a wood belonging to Mr. john Page of Stokenehureh, was to have been tried for the crime at the late Oxford Sessions; but letting been delivered of a child since her committal, she was too ill to appear. The Chairman of the Sessions urged Mr. Page to abandon the prosecutimt the woman having already been in prison for a month; and Page was at length so considerate as to yield to that request.

Two more hangings took place on Saturday, at Liverpool. Stew and Evans, the culprits, both made voluntary confessions of their guilt.

Mr. Garness, a Poor-Law Guardian at Ross, his son, and two other persons, have been committed for trial for manslaughter, on the verdict of a Coroner's Jury. Without a medical order, Mr. Garness and the others forcibly removed a woman eighty-two years of age from her cottage to the Union-house; she died soon after, of a diseased heart; and a surgeon said her sudden exposure to cold on being re- moved from her cottage might have hastened her death.

Four men have been committed for trial, after numerous examinations, for the murder of Mrs. Candler, at Yarmouth, in November last.

Mr. Peaeop, of Rockferry, Cheshire, has been murdered by three ruffians, who waylaid hint on a countrv-road as he was returning home, with the intention of robbing him of the day's.reeeipts of his business. They beat him with sticks in a way that caused his death the next morning. A gentleman who came up while the villains were rifling Mr. Peacop was also assaulted; but they made off.

A verdict of " Wilful Murder" has been returned by a Coroner's Jury at Leeds, against Ann Simpson, for causing the death of Elizabeth Illingworth. The woman Simpson lived with the other's husband, with whom the wife at the same time co- habited; and she is supposed to have poisoned Mrs. Iffingworth, with arsenic, in consequence of a quarrel.

On Tuesday, at the Manchester Infirmarv, an inquest was hell on view of the body of Nathaniel Horsfall, labourer, thiav-three years of age. The deceased had been in the employment of the Manele:ster, Bury, and lIassendale Railway Company; and in the afternoon of Saturday tie. 28th ultimo, whilst disengaging a horse which was drawing three waggons loaded with earth, he fell across one of the rails, and a wheel of the first waggon isimslit his right arm. In that state he was pushed about four yards along an inclined plane, and received a compound fracture of the arm, mid contusion of the neck and. chest. He was conveyed to the Infirmary, where amputation was perffirmed; but he died on Saturday morn- ing last. A verdict of " Accidental Death" was returned.—.11anchester Guar- dian.

A singular stage-coach accident occurred last week near Wolverhampton; the back-scat giving way while the vehicle was on its journey. Four passengers fell to the ground, and one was much hurt.

A Coroner's Jury sat on the body of Stade, the gamekeeper who was killed in a poaching affray at •Croom, near Worcester. They returned a verdict of "Wilful Murder" against Turvev and Dingley. two poachers who are in custody, ii and some other persons to the Jurors unknown." The Jury wished to attach to their verdict a resolution condemnatory of the Game-laws; but the Coroner .objected to the proceeding as informal; on which they desisted, and signed it sepa- rate memorial to the Home Secretary to the &WIC effect.

A poor man named Cooper, residing at Bladon, has been fined one halfpenny at the Woodstock Petty Sessions, fiw SOMe petty.offence with which he was charged by a gamekeeper to the Duke of Marlborough: the costs amounted to thirteen and sixpence! which the man paid.

The Aylesbury News states that the name of Sir Thomas Cotton Sheppard, of Thornborough in Buckinghamshire, may now be added to those of Dr. Lee, Sir H. Verney, and the Duke of Bedford, as anti-game-preservers, Sir Thomas has given his tenants leave to defend their property from the ravages of game in any manner they please. In one day lately 600 hares were shot on his estate.