11 JANUARY 1845, Page 5

fforeign antr FRANCE.—The debates on the address had not begun

on Tuesday, in either Chamber. The Cominittee of the Deputies had examined four Mi- nisters, but were understood to have made little way. On that day, Count Portalis read the draft of the address in the Committee of the Peers.

The Courrier Franvis gives the following version of a late curious decla- ration made by King Louis Philippe-

" The King, who was greatly affected by the coldness of his reception on opening the session; iad said, 'I wish for a Ministry under whom the population may cry-

' Vive he !' and I may hold a review of the National Guard.' But, on the eve of the New Year, the King, anxious to give etrennes to his Ministry, addressing him- self to M. D'Argout (and not to M. De Belleyme, as stated)—` N. is Comte,' he exclaimed, 'you have been my Minister, and you know if 1 tun afraid to tell my opinion to Ministers on their conduct, and even to dismiss them. (Here Ina Majesty, with a familiarity quite a la Hemi Quatre, made a significant gesture and pointed towards the door.) You cannot then believe that I betray and aban- don my Ministers. Those who, knowing my attachment for the Cabinet, say the con- trary, are wicked persons; and those who, not knowing it, hold the same language, act the part of dupes. M. he Comte D'Argout, I invite you to mention this m my name to the Chamber of Peers.'"

New versions of the tales about M. Villemain's illness continue to appear. According to the Constitutionnel, his attack is attributable to anonymous letters which he had received, threatening him, that unless he ceased to oppose the Church on the subject of education, he should be accused of having prematurely- and needlessly confined his wife in a lunatic asylum. Those letters all contained allusions favourable to the Jesuits; to whom they are imputed. Similar threats are also said to have been sent to M. Cousin and Al. Dupin, and some other influential members of the Chamber of Deputies, who have taken an active part in favour of the University; but, fortunately, they have not had such dire consequences as in the case of Id. Villemain. His condition has somewhat improved, but induces little hope that he will be able to attend to the education of his three young daughters. M. Villemain having no fortune, his colleagues have resolved to call on the Chambers to provide for his children.

According to the correspondent of the Times, the British Government has demanded from that of France, "a categorical answer to the ques- tion, whether or not the French Government was affecting at the same time to join in the endeavours of the British Government to maintain the status quo in Texas, whilst it was in reality giving, through the King, to the American Minister, an assurance that in no event would any steps be taken by his Government in the slightest degree hostile, or which would give the United States just cause of complaint." The &irk adds a state- ment which it does not guarantee, though derived from a respectable source-

" It is said that England was disposed, for the sake of M. Gnizot, to make some concessions relative to the right of search, on condition that our Cabinet should join that of London to obtain an European declaration against the annexa- tion of Texas to the United States; in other words, on condition that France should eventually make common cause with England against the America* Union."

- The-Constitutionnel announces that M. Guizot was about to cede the establish- lima of Albreda to England, in return for the right possessed by English vessels•

to carry on the gum-trade " under sail" on the coast of Portendick. That journal complains that the bargain is against the interests of France, which concedes more than it gains.

-General Count Delarue is, it is said, about to return to Africa with a commis ion to mark out the boundaries between the donsinimes of the Emperor of Morocco and the French possessions in Algeria. The Commerce announces that the French Government has concluded a second treaty of commerce with the Belgiau Govennnent. The object of this treaty is to extend the period for admitting Belgian linen-cloth and thread into France at a reduced duty, the existing treaty having but two years to rim.

The Moniteur publishes a otatemeut`of the situation of the Bank of France on the 26th December, and the result of the operations of the last quarter of the year. The specie in hand tunounted to 2-15,096,802 francs—the commercial bills to 142,612,674 francs—of which 19,264,002 francs were upon Paris; the ad- vances upon ingots to 6,885,900 francs, and upon public securities to 7,930,466 francs. lle branch banks were indebted to the Bank 22,000,000 francs for their Capitals, and 34;728,426 francs for advances. On the other side, the notes in cir- culation amounted to 249,133,500 francs, and bills payable to order, 741,120 francs; the funds deposited by the Treasure in account current, to 137,249,244 francs; other accounts current, to 47,311,62-9 francs; and certificates payable at sight to 1,656,000 francs.

By an order of Government, the fees which Marshal Bugeand declined to pay On being made Duke of Isly, 18,000 francs, have been waived. According to the Coui.rier Francais, Ministers have been put to great shifts to Stop the irrepressible torrent of Marshal Bngeauffs eloquence, which was expected to burst forth inopportunely on the subiect of policy in Morocco. How to stop his mouth ? If he came to Paris durine the debate, nothing could silence him, although his Dukeship was accounted a he in advance. At last, it has ben arranged that he will not come te town from his country seat till the 18th; when the debate in the Chamber of Peers is expected to close; and he will then be too late to speak, but just in time to give his vote.

. Admiral Dupetit-Thouars has hired an apartment in the Rue de Castellane, NO. IA We have been assured that orders have been given to the porter to reply to all visiters that "the Admiral is not at home." Behold a general officer secluded by command ■ff the Ministry, as was the case last year with Captain Reine, his Aide-de-camp !—Constitationnsi.

Two chiefs of the Marquesas Islands have arrived in France, by the Reine Blanche.

The Constitutionnel asserts, that, on the representation of Lord Cowley, the Ministry had sent orders to 31. Brunt to discutuffenance the publication of the journal L'Oceanie.

SWITZERLAND.—We learn from Berne that the new penal code which has been established in that canton punishes with an inamisonment of from six months to six years, and a tine which may be carried up to 800 livres, the inhabitants .4. the canton who took part in the expedition against Lu- cerne. The Govenunent 1 Argau lets, in a lung letter, denied the right of Lucerne to punish such of its inhabitants as have gone out of the canton and taken part in the attack or the free corps.

• CHANNEL ISLANDS. — An Order in Council, dated 13th December, has been received in Guernsey, giving the Queen's assent to the Re- form Bill passed by the States of Guernsey in June 1843. The following is an outline of the new law, which lees been duly registered in the island: the Italic type marks the sole amendment required by the Queen in Council- -10 general tax to be levied, unless voted by two-thirds of the States of Delibe- ration. Such tax not to exceed one pennv per quarter in any one year. Any tax exceeding that , -mint must be sanctioned by the States of Election, and must receive the consent of her Majesty in Council, signified through one if her ,Majesty's Principal Secretaries of' State. Taxation to be uniform, and to be levied on all_personal property whenever situated, and on all real property in the bailiwick. The said property to be responsible for the present debt. States taxes to be raised in the same manner as parochial taxes. When a general tax is to be levied, the constables to furnish lists of rate-payers to the Treasurer of the states. The town parish [the parish of St. l'eter Port] to be divided by its own officers into four equal cantons; each canton to have a tramline, which slall send one of its members as a Deputy to the States; and the parochial douzaine to send two. Each cantonal douzame to consist of twelve members; to be elected for life -by the rate-farces of the canton, and to be presided by a bean. The first elec- tion of cantonal douzaines to be presided by a constable of the parish. The qua- lification for a douzenier to be fifteen quarters. The cantonal douzaines to have the superintendence of the roads without the barriers. The parochial douzaine to continue to represent the parish in its unity, as at present, and to have the ad- ,ministration of all its affairs. The States of Deliberation to be composed of the _President and Jurats, 13; the Clergy, 8; Queen's Procureur, 1; Deputies of St. „Peter's Port, 6; Deputies of count's- parishes, 9; total, 37. The Deputies to the States, instead of being the constables, may be such members as the deuzaines -may choose from among themselves, and to be elected for each meeting. All the members of the States of Deliberation to have equal rights and liberties, and may propose amendments or adjounnnents. IlL cases where a question shall not be "decided by two-thirds of the members present, it is to he submitted a second time by the President, if he think proper, within one month, and shall then be decided by a majority of votes. The President to convoke the States on a requisition -signed by one-third of either of the three constituent bodies, or by any ten mem- bers. 'I he States of Election to be composed of the court and clergy, 22; the douzeniers and constables of St. Peter Port, 70; and the douzeniers and con- stables of the country, 130; total, 222. Billets ffetat to he sent to all the mem- bers of the States. news. Two of the Ministers,. Cabral and Castro, had been elevateato the Peerage. Zurbano is said to have been in Portugal, and to have found! means of leaving the country again.

RusstA.—Accouuts from St. Petersburg, of the 20th December, -de- scribe a very curious state operation. In 1843, an imperial mike-se ordered the creation of a cash-fund as a basis for the paper-money in actual circu- lation, and for its redemption at any time." The sum of 70,400,000 silver roubles (about 11,000,000/.) has been accumulated ; on the 2d it underwent a " revision " in the vaults of the Caisse de Credit ; and subse. quently began its removal to vaults which have been constructed for it in, the fortress of St. Petersburg. The process of transportation still conti- nued on the 20th.

UNITED STATES.—The packet-ship Patrick Henry, which left New York on the 18111 December, arrived at Liverpool on Wednesday. In the House of Representatives, IL bill had been introduced to establish a new territory abutting on the Rocky Mountains, to be called Nebraska. Another bill, to extend the jurisdiction of the United States over the Oregon terri- tory, had been read a third time; it was expected to pass in the House, and to be rejected by the Senate. A bill to establish an uniform day for thw appointment or Presidential electors had passed the House. The report from the Secretary to the Treasury, a very long document, had been presented to Congress. The receipts of the late fiscal year are stated at 30,381,000 dollars. The balance in the Treasury, 12th .January 1842, was 10,424,507 dollars, making a total of 40,818,287 dollars. The expenditure of the fiscal v was 32,958,827 dollars. The balance in the Treasury is, therefore, 7,857,379 dollars. The estimated receipts for 1845 are 34,204,874 dollars; of which 2,127,000 dollars are for lands. The existing debt of the United States is 24,748,188 dollars. The Secretary recommends a sinking fund of 2,000,000 dollars annually, to pay the interest upon it and the principal as it falls due. The imports amounted to 108,434,702 dollars, the exports to 111,1'28,278 dollars; being "a balance in favour" of the United States of 2,693,582 dollars. The cost of collection is 2,953,489 dollars 60 cents. The Secretary recommends a modification and reduction of the tariff; chiefly on the ground that some of its enactments ens vague, and occasion much trouble and responsibility to collectors and the departments.

The Secretary of State reports that the number of emigrants who arrived in the United States during the year ending 30th September 1844 was 84,764.

The papers report a dreadful conflict between a party of Kentucky slaveholders. and Olno Abolitionists. It appears' that Negro slaves from Kentucky are con- stantly passing to Canada through the State of Ohio; the Abolitionists affording facilities for such escapes throughout the State. On the 9th December, a party of. "Negro-hunters" from Kentucky, hearing that runaway slaves were secreted in the houses of Robert Miller and Absalom King, two Abolitionists residing in Brown's.- County, Ohio, near the town of Georgetown, proceeded to the residence of Miller, and discovered two of the slaves. While Miller was in the act of aiding their escape, he was knocked down and stabbed repeatedly by the incensed Ken- tuckians. He lingered but a few moments, and died. The two slaves were then: bound; and the rioters proceeded to the house of King; where they were met by four or five armed men, who declared their determination to resist any search of the house. Both parties being well armed, a savage conflict ensued. The son. of a Colonel Towers. of Kentucky, was killed immediately. King was shot; through a window, while reloading fire-anus in the house, and was not ex- pected to survive. The Sheriff and his posse now came, and checked the riot and the ringleaders of each party were arrested. But another band of Ken- tuckians soon arrived, and another scene of bloodshed commenced. One of the slaves was hanged without ceremony, for resisthig a brother of Colonel Towers, who had captured him. The houses of 31iller and King were bunt. to the ground, with all their contents. The invaders then went to the house of a Mr. Alexander Gilliland" tore him away from his family, and beat him until his life was despaired of. The latest accounts add, that the Kentuckians were increasing in numbers, and the whole neighbourhood was up in arms. The Sheriff was still exerting himself to suppress the riot.

A letter dated "Vergennes, 4th Nov. 1844," signed "G. D. Jewett," and pub- lished in the Liberator, states Miss Delia A. Webster, _daughter of Mr. Benajah Webster, of Ferrishargh in Vermont State, is confined in the gaol at Lexington

in Kentucky' ' on a charge of stealing shaves; for which she will be tried m March next. And

the Reverend Calvin Fairbanks is confined in the same gaol, on a similar charge. Aliso Webster is a school-teacher: she "is a respectable young lady, of a worthy family, well educated, and of fair talents, and denies ever having uttered an Abolition sentiment in Kentucky, except at one time, when imperta- newly being questioned on that subject, she said she wished the slaves were all back in Africa, and she would be willing to spend her days in teaching them, for they had souls. Her father is well known by the citizens of Vergennes and Ferrisburgh to have been always hostile to Abolition in any form; indeed, has been noted for his ultra opinions on this subject." As to Mr. Fairbanks, he boarded in the Mille house with Miss Webster: lie also "preached once in the Congregational church in Lexington, while there, to the acceptance of his audience; and soon aftei three slaves were missing."

WEST INDIES.—The Forth mail-steamer brings intelligence from Ja:- melee to the 10th December, and from the other Colonies of corresponding date. The accounts, as to crops and the healthiness of the islands, are gene, rally favourable. In Jamaica, the crop of sugar, which in 1844 amounted to 35,000 tons, is estimated at 45,000 or 50,000. A recent official document in St. Lucia shows that the crop for 1844 was the largest since Negro Emancipation. The Jamaica Legislature had undertaken to provide for 5,000 Hill Coolies, should the whole number actually be imported by Government.

By late accounts from Havanna, we learn that the exports of sugar from Cuba, up to the end of July, were 702,647 boxes, against 511,400 for the same period last year. Of this quantity, 171,259 boxes have been shipped to the United States. The crop of sugar at present on the ground in Cuba is expected to be both deficient and late. The canes were reckoned fully six weeks behind-hand.--Jamaica Times.

MExico.—We have reason to believe, however' by the last advices from Mexico, that the Government of that Republic has abandoned its ill-timed schemes for the reconquest of Texas, and is disposed to make a virtue of necessity and recognize the independence of the province. This intelli- gence will deprive the American Government of every pretext for inter- ference, so far as the threatened invasion of Texas was concerned: it re, mains to be seen whether the American Envoy at Mexico has not been instructed to proceed to such lengths in his language, and in his other demands, as to render the maintenance of peace at least uncertain.—Tioim.

ARGENTINE REPUBLIC.—The Times states that Brazil, England, and France, are about to interfere to check the atrocities of the irregular war carried on by contending factions on the banks of the Rio de la Plats. "The Government of Rio Janeiro has shown, in the proposals which it has recently made to England on this subject, a spirit of confidence and good, will towards us which by no means verifies the sinister predictions of fhb %position as to Viscount D'Abrantes's mission. It is probable that the aariyal of Mr. Gore Ouseley, who has recently been appointed to summed Mr. Mandeville as the Minister accredited by Great Britain to the States of La Plata, will speedily remove the obstacles to trade on the river; espe- cially when it is found that he is to be supported, if necessary, in the most erectual manner by England, Brazil, and France." To prepare the public mind for this intervention, the Leading Journal brings up the arrears of dor- Mant information respecting the distracted territory in question.

" The Rio de is Plata is one of those great estuaries of the American continent

ivlich seem destined by Providence to open as it were inland seas to commerce and navigation; whilst the vast extent of the rivers which unite their waters in the mighty stream form a system of internal communication throwthout the con- tinent from the Cordillera of the Andes to the sea. So great are the natural op- pertunities of the country, that, in spite of the insufficiency of the sparse and needy population, considerable trading interests have risen up at Monte Video on the left, and at Buenos Ayres on the right bank of the river; and a large popula- tion of English, French, and Italian traders, are living under the Monte Videan Government, where they have taken refuge from the violence of the Government on the opposite shore: but their operations are impeded, their persons are endan- gered, and the independent existence of the Banda Oriental is threatened, by the exterminating though unsuccessful war carried on against it by Roses and Oribe in the name Of the Argentine Republic. A recent event has shown the utter fu- tility of extending to such states as these the laws and observances used amongst civilized nations: for one or two guns from the United States frigate Congress dissipated what was called the blockading squadron of the Argentine Republic in half-an-hour; and any well-armed merchantman might have done the same.

"We employ no figure of speech when we say, that we are at a loss for words to convey to our readers any adequate conception of the barbarous acts imputed to the Argentine Government,—that is, to Roses, and his satellites, Oribe, the Friar Alden, and the club of the Masorqueros; a body of men expressly enrolled for the perpetration of the most sanguinary crimes. It is true, that at no very distant period the natural talents of Roses, his resolution, and his apparent devotion to the interests of his country, inspired some Englishmen of station and character with a sort of respect for his government, and of indulgence for his earlier excesses. That that time is long since past, if we are to believe an hundredth part of the frightful catalogue of atrocities which we have now before us in the pages of the Tablas de Sangre, or Tables of Blood'; and these facts, though published by his enemies, are many of them attested by eye-witnesses whose evidence we have reason to believe. Since Roses raised himself to the supreme power in 1835, down to the close of the year 1843, it has been computed by Senor Indarte, the author of these 'Tables,' that beer his immediate followers have put to death by poison four persons; by cutting the throat, 3,765; by shooting, 1,393; by private assassina- tion, 722; whilst in the murderous civil wars of the last ten years nearly 15,000 men have been slain, every battle being followed by a butchery of prisoners; and 1,600 captives or wounded men have been put to death by the lance. "One of the first acts of Roses, on the 8th July 1836, was to cause 110 Indians, who had been brought down from the Pampas, to be put to death; and, in order to strike terror into the population of Buenos Ayres, they were taken out in dozens and shot before all the people. Four of their chiefs were brought to the barracks, where they had their throats cut, along with two little children! "Every day brought with it some fresh atrocity in this calendar of bloodshed. We can only select one or two out of many hundred examples. The war and subsequent persecution of the party known as the Unitarians,' in opposition to Roses as the head of the Federalists, was conducted with unrelenting cruelty. Death to the savage Unitarians' was his rallying-cry and the test of allegiance

to his person. A witness named Jose Ramos made oath, before twelve commis- sioners assembled at Monte Video, that while he was with Rosas's army he saw many of the prisoners castrated before they had their throats cut; and that he knew an Englishman, whose name was William, who was murdered, with a woman and child only seven rears old. Similar massacres were common through- out the war. The word 'Re'sbalosa' was invented by Roses to convey to his in- fernal agents, the Masorqueros. a particular mode of despatching their victims. It meant that they were to be tied up naked, with their hands behind their backs, whilst the assassins cut their throats slowly with knives or a saw; and this hor- rible torture was accompanied by a song made for the occasion. The slightest trifles afforded a sufficient pretext for these monstrous cruelties, which partook rather of the amusements of cannibals than the known practices of wars or per- secutions even in the most fanatical age. One man was shot in prison for wearing .a. fancy-dress on his way to see his mistress; another for having steered a Monte Videan barque. In the month of October 1842, the Masorqneros repaired every night to the city of Buenos Ayres from Rosas's camp, or rather Golgotha, called the 'Santos Lugares,' hard by the walls, to murder and pillage the inhabitants; no less than 400 of whom were slaughtered in their houses by these ruffians in three weeks.

-"In actual war these horrors were all redoubled. The taking of Catamarca by Mariano Maze in 1842 when he made a pile of the heads of 600 of the inha bitants, beheaded in the market-place, and the deeds without a name perpetrated by the Friar Aldao, another of Rosas's officers, as Governor of Mendoza, baffle all description, and exceed the atrocities of the French Reign of Terror itself. But this Argentine Reign of Terror has been going on for eight years: it is still going on with the same fury, or if checked, is only checked by the want of victims in a country where the population has already been decimated by these miscreants. " We have said enough—perhaps too much—though we have only opened at random the frightful record m which these acts are enrolled. They are still, we repeat it, going on. It mast be added, that the lives of even the best of Rosas's rivals have been equally disgraced by acts of unjustifiable treachery and violence; as, for instance, when General Lavelle shot the President Dorrego, after becoming his prisoner of war."

Accounts received this week, coming down to the 29th October, report a continuance of this desperate war. The Monte-Videans had made arrange- ments for holding out eight months longer. The blockade of their port had been reinforced. We make a couple of extracts- - "Since the departure of the late Brazilian Minister in a state of great irritation, that Government has not renewed its diplomatic relations with Buenos Ayres. It is also stated that this Government has made an offer to Brazil to give up the disputed territory, in consideration of obtaining an alliance offensive and defen- dye with that Government. A large force had been sent to the frontiers. "The English are the greatest sufferers by the present state of things, both in regard of their heavy outstanding- debts and the complete stoppage of imports from England. We have not had an English cargo here for upwards of six months, and the position in which we find ourselves is so grievous that it is pain-

with ferry-keepers and others, at the ferry and at Pahia, the party arrived in Russell at one o'clock on Friday morning, the 5th. Mr. Kemp, the Sub-Proteotor of Abo4gines, had conferred with the chief at Pahia, and offered him a double- barrelled gun—why does not appear. On their arrival at Russell, the Natives seized the house of a Mr. Lord. [This Mr. Lord had married a w-eman that was once a slave of Johnny }lackey, and was afterwards married to a Mr. Gray. It is supposed that the dispute originated in some breach of Native customs con- nected with lir. Lord's marriage: and it seems that the chief hail previously car- ried off the wife.] Thz.1- remaitlisl quiet until about three o'clock in the after- noon, when they formed themselves at Lord's, and made a rash towards the centre of the beach, where they went through the war-dattee; alter whieh they seated themselves and commenced to speak. The first speaker said, • 1Var, war, war with the -White people ! ' the world. Cut them in pieees. ;mil throw them into the set!' the third, ` That the Ratmx.mtlia had killed White people, and why- could not they ? ' And lastly. Johnny Ilackey got up, and, in a long speech, stated that he was eellie for payment ti-omit Lord and his wife, and to cut down the fiag-statf, and told us not to interfere: they then returned to Lord's house." All this time, Mr. Beckhain, the Police Magistrate, and Mr. Kemp were walking about the beach; but they did not interfere; and as night approached, Mr. Hector's offer to form a guard of the inhabitants 'MIS (leaned. after a night of great anxiety, the inhabitants were up with the dawn. The Natives lvgan the operations of the day by an attack Oil the pigs, and then their plunder turned to other things; the invaders meanwhile being very threatening and insolent. Mr. Hector and three other inhabitants had an interview with the Police Magisfimte. " When I informed him of the desire of the inhabitants to plaee themselves under his command, and requested him to appoint a place an-tooting. hi. replied, we need not alann ourselves, as he hail arranged everything, and that the pdiez. would do their duty. I then asked him how it was the pffiee had permitted the depreda- tions already committed? We received for answer, that we must sole it to them until he had force sufficient to protect us. In reply, we stated that, if he would yield to the request qf the inhabitants, be would find that awn? irouldbeforces • sufficient to repel any further aggressions on the part if the Nertiro•a: that it Wag not our ambition to commence an affray, but to show the Natives that, although we had permitted them to proceed thus far, we were determined to put a stop to anyfurther arts if riolence; and that, if he (NIT.. Beckham) did not choose to as- semble the inhabitants, they would imeet ami appoint some Twrson to act in his place. He told us that lie would put 1LS down by force. We infiznizeil him we lutd no wish to infringe the laws of our country, but that self-preservat ion was lime first law - of nature, and we would no longer Torah- submit to the invasion of our homes, have our wives insulted by the Natives, wilfully exposing their p.T..:IS to them, our . daughters' clothes pulled over their Inads, athionr property stolen ; ant that if such • were his intentizals, we would opposeArce toforre,and he would then see who 10011141 coin the day." Mr. Beckham now desinst to close the conversation and renew it in . the Court-house; but it came to nothing. The ■inly •‘ boon" the s‘dtlers could obtain Was, that the chnrc.11-bell should be run:, in case of need. Towards the afternoon, the Natives mid the alive gentlemen [the Police :Magistrate, the Sub Protector, Archdeacon Williams, and another] held a meeting mit slie the house; when Johnny flukey related the „grievances of the Natives from the death of Marion down to the present time, and particularly mentioned the maimer the chiefs had been entrapped into signing the treaty at the Waitangi. At the close of the evening, Mr. Beckham advised Mr. Lord to purchase a boat and give it to Johnny Mickey. I happened to he present, and asked Mr. Beckham ,az what grounds Mr. Lord should give the boat; and if it were given, if Johnny Mickey would pay for damage that had 'been done ? And I recommended Mr. Lord to 'do no such thing as it would only be holding out a temptation for further plundering. Ulti- mately, Archdeacon Williams gave them a bag of rice and some sugar; and the Natives passing up the beach, pointing to the things, jeered us. All time houses were closed by dark, as if the town was besieged. Things passed off pretty well on Sunday, with the exception of the interference with the duty at the Catholic Chapel by the tribe of Johnny Mickey, and a few petty robberies. Monday monfing., the Natives at daylight launched their canoes (eight), and sent them in charge of the woinen and hors to Wailtilli, about a ndle from Russell, towards the entrance of the bay. They awn proceeded in marching order to the point of tho beach opposite the Customhouse and Gaol, and performed prayers with arms in hand. At the conclusion, a portion were sent towards the flag-staff, to cut it down; the remainder, as a covering-party, proceeding by another mad to Wailiiki, both roads meeting in one after passing the flag-staff. Parties of Natives were stationed on the tops of the difti•rent hills as outposts. Mr. Beckham was during this time standing within one hundred yards of the Customhouse. Mr. Potter and I fol- lowed the Natives to the Hag-staff, and asked them why they wished to cut it . down? Some said, there had been no payment given for the land; others, that it prevented the ships from coining in. Chi our arrival the Natives proceeded to work; and I saw the honour of my country laid low, without any attempt to pre- vent it. Time ropes the Natives took, and the staff and yard Were CIA into pieces. A demand was made for fire, and Mr. Tapper went to his home and got some. When the whole was over and the Natives gone, Mr. Beckham and a few of the inhabitants arrived. The Natives met on an opposite hill, commeneed a war- dance, discharged thick muskets, retired to Hick canoes, and left for the other shore."