11 JANUARY 1845, Page 5


A vacancy in the representation of the Elgin district of burghs, by the retirement of the present Member, Sir Andrew Leith Hay, being antici- pated, requisitions have been got up in all the burghs, hy the Conservative party, in titvour of Mr. Duff of Haddo; and we understand that that gentle- man has consented to stand. It is also reported that a canvass is going on in Peterhead, &c., on the Liberal side, for Lord Kilmarnock, eldest son of the Earl of Errol ; but, so far as we can learn, there appears to he no movement for him in this burgh.—E/llia Courant.

At a meeting of the Glasgow Anti-Corn-law Association, in the Trades Hall, on Saturday, a Committee was appointed to procure contributions of manufactured articles from that city, for the bazaar of the Auti-Corn-law League at Covent Garden Theatre in May next. The meeting was attendeui by- the Lord Provost and other leading Liberals of Glasgow.

On Wednesday week, a " sou-ac" was held at Netherlee Print-works, Glasgow, by the workers and their employers, Messrs. Shaw, " to reci- procate the good feeling which has long subsisted among them as masters and servants." A considerable number of distinguished merchants from Glasgow and a few of the neighbouring gentry attended. An address was presented to the employers by the workers; to which Mr. Robert Shaw, one of the firm, replied with good effect. The banquet was excellent, and the evening was spent in the gyeatest harmony.

A man has been killed in a mine at Wanlockhead, in Dumfriesshire, by the breaking of a ladder as he was ascending the shaft. Part of the roof fell in a mine at Leadhill, in Lanarkshire, and killed two of the workmen.