11 JANUARY 1902, Page 14

(TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.] SIR, —In your interesting

article in the Spectator of January 4th on " Combatant Non-Combatants " you have made no mention of Army chaplains, commissioned or civilian. Surely they come in. Here is one little incident from one who was there. Scene : Battle of Colenso. Young chaplain for the first time under fire creeping along into the line of fire. "A lot of wounded men in the spruit on the left, Sir," says one of the bearer com- pany. The padre gets to the spruit, and climbing down finds a crowd of men lying under one bank of it. Not to disturb others, he steals along the other side. (In your hunting days, Sir, you have seen a fox steal away on the lee- side of the hedge.) One of the men, and wounded, calls out, "Beg pardon, Sir, but if I were you I should come • this side.

The bullets all hit that side."—I am, Sir, &c., THETA.