11 JANUARY 1908, Page 1

The Vorwtirts in a caustic article observes that the work

of saving the Fatherland is not done by persons like Harden. But the most weighty comment on the case proceeds from the Liberal Frankfurter Zeitung, which, without professing sym- pathy either for Harden or his methods, insists on the signifi- cant fact that "the opinions held about the Liebenberg circle dated back into so remote a past as the days of Bismarck." Then comes the political aspect of the case. "Whether one associates the name of Prince Eulenburg with a camarilla ' or not is 'neither here nor there.' What, however, is not to be gainsaid is that Eulenburg exercised great influence in high quarters quite apart from that of Chancellors and Ministers. This has been so fully demonstrated by facts that no lawsuit can do away with it. This influence, moreover, was not in the matter of law-making or of administration, but in the filling of high posts,—a matter of far more serious moment to the State. Why should the mere mention of Eulenburg's name have sent every Relax. kanzler into a rage ? They knew why. They also knew that the immoderate amount of adulation meted out to the ruler by.the Liebenberg circle only strengthened his inclination to act on his own initiative, and according to his own sweet will,—an activity which has only too often already increased the difficulties his responsible advisers found themselves confronted by." The Frankfurter concludes its article by observing that "it will be interesting to see whether Moltke and Eulenburg will be reinstated in the favour from which they fell."