11 JANUARY 1908, Page 17

pro TEN EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] well remember Mr. Lovat-Fraser's

letter on this 'subject in the Spectator more than three years ago and how I enjoyed reading it. His further letter (Spectator, Decem- ber 28th, 1907) is a great addition to that enjoyment, and I have no doubt that if -he continues his researches be will be able to add still further to the sum total of human .enjoy- went. Maly I point out, with reference to one of the instances quoted, that Charles Lamb described himself as an "extinct volcano" when he gave up smoking P But that was probably Only a "crib" itself. Of course there is such a thing ea unconscious plagiarism ; but "Dizzy's " " cribs " were both sustained and systematic, and I believe he took a delight in them. They recall the story of a youthful minister preaching one Of Spurgeon's sermons in a country church when the great pulpiteer happened to be present unknown to any one. He waited for the daring preacher, and asked bow long it had taken him to prepare the sermon. "Oh," said the youth, "only a few hours." " Ah !" said Mr. Spurgeon, "it took me several days "; whereupon came the unabashed reply : Then you are the great Mr. Spurgeon, and I am proud to have preached a sermon. of yours any day."—I am, Sir, &a., R. W. J.