11 JANUARY 1908, Page 2

In little more than a fortnight from now the Session

will have begun. We have drawn attention elsewhere to the huge and miscellaneous character of the legislative proposals which, if the Government fulfil their pledges, as no doubt they will, they are about to lay before Parliament. We should like to state here our belief that the efficiency of their action is likely to be very greatly interfered with by their : evideht unwillingness, or rather tlieir inability, to handle seriously, even from their own point of view, the question of the House of Lords. In the matter of the House of Lords they are living and moving in an unreal world. They pretend to believel that the country supports them in their denuncia- tions of the Peers. Yet nothing is more patent to any sincere observer of the facts than that the electors are perfectly calm in regard to the present factitious agitation. That the Government did not dissolve on the question of the Lords, and in effect have told us that they have no intention of dis- solving, is proof that they do not mean business.