11 JANUARY 1908, Page 2

"The new stope drill trials for the trophy given by

the news- paper South African Mines, which have aroused the greatest Interest, have resulted in a victory for the Gordon drill, and Messrs. Eckstein are installing two hundred of these drills. fiventy-five drills worked by four whites and twenty-five natives will be started in the Crown Deep Mine in a few days' time. A native working a Gordon drill in five hours achieved results equal to the average day's work of fifteen coolies or natives. The success of the drills will have a far-reaching result on the labour problem."

It was contended all along by those who opposed the importa- tion of Chinese coolies, in these columns and elsewhere, that the problem of the shortage of labour could in a great measure be solved by the extended use of labour-saving appliances. It is satisfactory to learn that the mine-owners have come round to the same way of thinking.