11 JANUARY 1908, Page 28

Irish Neighbours. By Jane Barlow. (Hutchinson and Co. 6s.)— This

is a collection of delightful stories, and even those readers who are repelled by the Irish dialect should conquer their prejudices

for the sake of enjoying these charming studies,—studies full of delicate fancy, humour, and close observation. Perhaps the most entertaining of all is "A False Start." The feelings of the gentleman can be better imagined than described when the innocent-looking little boy who was travelling to Dublin in his charge produced a purse out of his pocket which be had been able to steal near a bookstall, thanks to the respectable clothes which he had on. The further adventures of the same boy in the detective line are also very diverting. There is a savage vindictive- ness in the story called "A Rebel's Breakfast" which illustrates certain traits of the Irish nature unhappily not yet eliminated.