11 JANUARY 1913, Page 1

The Ambassadors have held three meetings during the last week,

and no doubt the question of intervening in the dispute was the subject chiefly discussed. According to Friday's Times a collective step is likely to be made immediately in the direction of bringing pressure to bear on Turkey for the cession of Adrianople. We may remark, by the way, that the position of the garrison of the town is reported to be becoming desperate, and that its surrender would constitute an automatic and most convenient way out of the impasse. The question of the ../Egean islands is believed to have pre- sented some difficulties to the Ambassadors, for both Russia and Italy have objections to their being banded over to the Greeks. Some sort of nominal recognition of Turkish suzerainty by the new owners is reported as likely to satisfy these objectors. The whole situation has received an added complication from the demands of Roumania for a large territorial " compensation " from Bulgaria. M. Jonescu, the Roumanian Minister of the Interior, has been in London for some days negotiating with M. Daneff. On Friday it was announced that these negotiations had broken down ; and at the same time there have come more insistent reports of Roumanian mobilization on the Bulgarian frontier. The attitude of Roumania may possibly help to account for the stiffness of the Turks, but we cannot believe that the Powers will allow the results of their labours and the prospects of a really satisfactory solution of the everlasting Balkan problem to be destroyed by the intervention of Roumania.