11 JANUARY 1919, Page 1

The Prime Minister in a statement published on Thursday reminded

the Army and the public that, "although the fighting has stopped, the war is not over," and that "the German armies have not yet been demobilized and are still very power- ful." It is astonishingihat 21iFse elementary, truths ehould be overlooked by any sane.laitriAMet, MT: Lloyd George did well to repeat and enforce thene.*Ifite UM:Med ouiselteete be deceived by the Socialist. play4ating in Germany., aral-"itent on the assumption that- the'r'nemy was impotent, we inight.find our- selves, after prematurely disbanding our armies, cootronted by Marshal von Hindenburg with his large forces,.refreshed.by the winter's rest and strengthopcthoy rhe carps et!lch have J etumed home from Russia. The GCrinah:Aritiy.fiay hot want to tight again just yet. but it would hate a very powerful inauencc oaths

Peace settlement if it were, in fact, the largest military force prepared for action.