11 JANUARY 1919, Page 1

The War Office demobilization &clime, published in the Mess on

Wednesday, should help to soothe the disquiet and to allay the distrust and suspicion which so readily grow among men who are tired and inactive. No soldier will be released during his leave from abroad.. He must go back to hia unit., and he should use his leave in trying to obtain an employment " eontract " to exhibit on his return to duty. These offers of employment must be certified in one or another of certain specified wale. The scheme seta out certain industries which obtain priority in the release of soldiers—such as milling, agriculture, seafa ring, ottl fishing. It isolated unofficially that no Russian expedition on a large scale is contemplated. On Tuesday Major-General Feilding had a few words of straight talk with some of the demonstrators in London, reminding them that though we had won the war we might lose the peace, and that their grievances, if any, must be referred to their own commanding officer. We may expect that this agitation, which may be partly malicious ill origin, and which in being encouraged by the Pacificisto, will now simmer down rapidly.