11 JULY 1829, Page 14


On Sunday, 2Sth nut. the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Gloucester 'held a General Ordination in the Cathedral, when the following gentlemen were admitted into Holy Orders :-Priests-Rev. J. C. Campbell, A.B. University College, Oxford ; Rev. J. G. Dowling, A.B. Wadham College. Oxford ; Rev. It. Peel, A.B. Trinity College, Cam- bridge ; Rev. J. Dull'us, A.B. Queen's College, Oxford ; Rev. W. Mayo, A.B. Magdalen Hall. Oxford; Rev. J. Chell, A.B. St. John's College. Cambridge. Demeans-Mr. J. Mickleburgh, A.11. 'fatuity College, cambridire ; Mr. W. S. Brickneli, M.A. Worcester College, Oxford ; Mr. W. D.. it. Bayly, A.M. St. John's College, Cambridge ; Mr. .1. Forditfe, A.B. Queen's College, Oxford; Mr. J. Askew, A.B. Emanuel College, Cam- bridge; Mr. J. Weybridge, A.B. St. John's College, Cambridge; Mr. C. B. Trye, A.B. Brazennose College, Oxford.-The Lord Bishop of Lincoln has appointed, by letters patent, It. Smith, Esq. of Buckden, and R. Swan, Esq. of Lincoln, Principal Re- gistrars of the whole diocese and Consistorial Court of Lincoln, in the room of the Right Hon. Lord Thmlow, deceased-The Rev. NV. II. S. Braham, 31.A. of Lincoln College, Oxford, has been presented to a Minor Can homy in Canterbury Cathedra!, and to the Vicarage of Willesborough, Kent ; patrons, the limn and Chapter of Canterbury.