11 JULY 1835, Page 8

The Dublin Evening Post contains a challenge from the Reverend

T. Macguire, milled familiarly " Father Tom," to the Exeter Hull agitators. He offers to meet them publicly, and hold a disputation, -either in London or Dublin. We give an extract from this rather amusing document- .. Lords, Reverends, and Would-be Reverends-1 owe you no arology for the 'midi- eation or this letter. Your late ' fantastic nicks beihre high Heaven,' your crusadiug proelamationa. seandatens calumnies, reckless IhIsiticaCous. time•killi tug speeches, and ypocritical challenges at Exeter Doll. will account fin it hanicientiy to yourselves, and more than justify it to the British public. Had you confined your holy horror, your el ' g, but not very shining denunciations. to the candllattery-cutting prim .elples or Peter Dens, as you affect to believe them, your clipping and priming of that luckless author, your distoitions of his meaning, and suppression of his subselpient explication, had probably passed away without censure by escaping public exposure. -But since your political detestation of Popery-religions you entertain outer-huts stnItified you into a clumsy attempt to identify the religion of Catholics with the syl- logistic luculnations of • Mr. Peter,' I shall inflict upon you that salut-try castigation which your theological knavery and logical quackery have no long and no richly deserveil."

The tribunal to decide which side has the best of the argument, Mr. Macguire wishes to be composed as follows- " Six English, or Irish, Catholic gentlemen, to be chosen by you, and six English Protestant gentlemen of the Church Of England, to be chosen by me; the foreman to take the chair. The audience to be admitted as at the Dublin discussion. When the discussion shall have terminated, the twelve jurors bt declare individually, upon their honour, who had the best of the disputation. The verdict of the majoi sty to be final and decisive. There will be no dillichlty in arranging minor pielimmaries with me.

" P.5.—I shall meet none but a Church-of-England parson, except the noble Arcadians, the intellectual Kenyon and the immaculate Roden. Tlie Parson must nut be an apostate. The spiritual lofty Lord of Exeter is especially invited."