11 JULY 1840, Page 11

A sequel to the correspondence between Colonel Campbell and the

Colonial Office has 1■ten published this week. The first letter is from ).1r. Vernon Smith to the Colonel, enclosing the despatch from Sierra Lome mentioned in the previous correspondence. and Lord Glenelg's reply to it ; :also the following letter from Mr. Stephen to Lord John Russell.

(Copy.) No. '2.

Dowitiag Street, 2,1 July 1540.

M., Loan- I have ea,1 Lientetinti!•Calitnel I iampluil Is letter to your Lordship Olt, .• 30th 111 inn,. N1-114.11 Was 14510 el di this ottiro this mortlitt-I. Uatil now I had onder:a.mil I lanel spat;c11 as refer:ring to a very gT,- alms., prevailing at Ilte pre-ent time. and poetised hy the exii.t.iit4 officers of 'Sierra Leone, whit,, though unkaown to vour Lordship, was (as he atieled) well known to Any such knowledge I it' merit dism Ow. Now, lin iWeVer. I learn that Camp:Jell really toldri, ea 11:s sitmitemiem Oil (ii S111/11,1 eV ■11,,,01,1.111i1 11,..1,11 re.11.!.0:11'S hall ceased I,, l'XiS! lee:01'01110y W01.0 111-1110 I■11-1W11 f -1 Lora Olenolg. Coithl 1 have supposed that this Wa; all, I shiatt•I v no, et. have truolded your Lordship or CoIonel Camploat Itint,elf with oneWymi Oa the sithiect.

From the Sierm 1,0110 corresponaimet. inr 1836, C:ilintel Campbell has

oar:wt.-II a passage uld,•11 I hail tor4onen. So wide, It ..ve5er. :mini sa important are the ,',isli!mcii,hmi lletWPI•11 his SI/00ell alai that 0X1ral!l, that the periisal (if the (1110 Callid seareely awaken, at this distance of time, the roevilect ion of the other. I lame, (Signed) JANIES STEPHEN. The Ixrd .l,0111 'RUSSIA!, &e.

Till$ is the passage in Colonel Campbell's despatch relative to the treatment of the captured Negroes at Sierra Leone, on which the Colonel founds his presumption of previous knotoledye on the part of Mr. Sti-iichi- mmmivgirl is mit:Irtingealtle, and it man wishes to have her, he lashes the lari.L hargitin he can with the 1■111.01las0g the vdrh anti marries her or not as be:1 sons his convenience. The womou wen. io the tiahit or living en to telly person who xvindil take them, or sent to the villages, where they rvore disposed Of ill the same way."

It will he seen that nothing is said here :about the " Government officers" having "flue first choice," though it is not improbable they had.

In reply to Mr. Stephen's remark that he thought the allusion was to the present state of' things in Sierra Leone, Colonel Campbell writes thus, in his last letter addres.,ed to Lord John Russell-- .1m'. James Stephen's evaraint, " Ilt d until now I had understisri Colonel Campbell's sratieli as relating to a Very graes abuse pravailing tit flue p,,,st,nt 1;me," in, iii,' race of itty question, as reported in the Sttn.• • limit what was the practice which he Pend," w lilt the INIcespondelive that his taken plat..., intuit prove to ■'0111. Lordship. and every mind, (our relative elnims 1,1 VOl'at..;ly and v. 'line into are befora It,-' politic. who. I am satisfied, with toy,elf, hnk in y,air Lon'isit'th met higivraintlea notaimatt, to give a candid opinion.