11 JULY 1846, Page 2

• crease in the Customs, on the year, of 2,118,0001.,

and to much • smaller amounts in the Excise, Property-tax, and some minor heads ; an increase in the Stamps, Taxes, and Post-office; and in

• the Miscellaneous revenue there is the large increase of 7'25,0001.: the entire decrease on the year is 1,011,7731. The principal de- . ficiency is accounted for by the temporary operation of reduced , duties. On the quarter there is an increase under most of the heads, but on the whole it only amounts to 575,0001.; a highly favourable result, however, when the very great reductions are considered. The steady advance of the Post-office, 115,000/. on the year and 26,000/. on the quarter, supplies the usual matter for congratulation.