11 JULY 1868, Page 2

The Emperor of the French, wishing to civilize his people,

has introduced bull fights into France. A grand spectacle of the kind was given at Havre on Saturday, the 4th inst., at which twelve bulls, tortured with burning darts and spear thrusts, but with horns covered with indiarubber balls, were encouraged to rush at " matadors," " picadors," "chubs," and thereat of the performers for whom civilized Europe has not even names. Bloodshed was carefully avoided, the only attractions being torture to the beasts and risk of life to the men ; but all the correspondents report that after a bull or two had been led away, the spectators began to hunger for slaughter. It is not believed that the Emperor intends to reintroduce combats of gladiators, as that might involve a loss of subjects who would make good soldiers.