11 JULY 1885, Page 3

On Monday a meeting was held at 1 Adam Street,

Adelphi,— the Dean of Llandaff in the chair,—to establish a separate branch of the Metropolitan Association for Befriending Young Servants for the district of the Strand and St. Giles's. It was well attended, was addressed not only by the Dean of Llandaff in a very impressive speech, and by the Rev. Brooke Lambert, the Chairman of that useful Association, but by Canon Nisbet, Rector of St. Giles's, and by Prebendary Humplary, Vicar of St. Martin's, the clergymen connected with the district, and by Mr. Montagu Chambers, Q.C., on behalf of Lincoln's Inn. A very general feeling was warmly expressed that there is hardly a benevolent society in existence which mingles so little injurious charity with its useful benevolence, and which does such a mere work of justice, in providing young girls who are either home- less or worse than homeless with protection in the intervals between their leaving one place and getting another, and in making them feel that they are not altogether without external friends and advisers even while they remain in their place. It was resolved accordingly to found a Strand Branch of the Society for the young servants of that neighbourhood. Offers of help, pecuniary or personal, will be gladly received by the Honorary Secretary of the Metropolitan Association, at 15 Buckingham Street, Strand. We may hope that the new branch will increase by many scores the number of girls to whom a helping hand is held out at the crisis in their lives when they most miss and need one.