11 JUNE 1842, Page 13


SIR ROBERT PEEL is not contented with making and unmaking tariffs ; our very proverbs are not safe from his innovating propensities. " Medio tutissimus ibis," said HORACE, and "ex- tremes are dangerous" has been in the mouth of every maxim- monger since his day. But PEEL'S Income-tax does not climb to lodgings in the attics; and the troglodytes of Monmouth Street, the occupants of its teeming cellars, bear that word of fear whistle innocuously over their heads. PEEL has destroyed the credit of the middle station : you are safe from his Income-tax if you are one of the subterranean inmates of the cellarage, or of the gentle- men who occupy the " first floor down the chimney "; but if your abode is in any of the intermediate stories, ten to one but it nails you.