11 JUNE 1921, Page 3

Mr. J. M. M. Erskine, as a Unionist champion of

economy, defeated Sir H. M. Jesse!, the Coalition Unionist candidate, in the by-election at St. George's, Westminster, on Tuesday. Mr. Erskine polled 7,241 votes and Sir H. M. Jesse! 5,356. We have already commented on the great significance of this election. In the Heywood by-election on Wednesday, Mr. Halls, the Labour candidate, won the seat from the Coalition by a majority of 305 on a heavy poll. The figures were : Mr. Halls (Labour), 13,430 ; Colonel England (Coalition Liberal), 13,125; Mr. Pickstone (Independent Liberal), 5,671. Mr. Asquith's followers, as usual, did badly, but they diverted enough non-Socialist votes from the Coalition to let the Labour minority win the seat.