11 JUNE 1937, Page 42


Miss - Coate's receiit study of the Civil War in Cornwall, Dr. Wood's scholarly book (Clarendon Press, is.) shows that a full account of the war Nottinghtunshire, where it began with the raising of the King's standard, throws Mitch light on the conflict as n--whole. The county was divided in sympathy • throughout, Nottingham was held for the Parliament by Colonel John Hutchinson, while Newark was the chief Royalist stronghold in the East Midlands. Dr. Wood brings out clearly the part played by these fortified places in the first three campaigns when each in turn had to be relieved by Roundhead or Cavalier. Newark held out for the King till he surrendered to the Scots army in May, 1646.- Dr. Wood repeatedly illustrates the difficulty that both sides had in collecting large forces and keeping them together. Men volunteered to fight in their own counties but disliked serving elsewhere. This explains the prolongation and confused nature of the war. Dr. Wood covers the whole period from 1640 to x660 and adds a useful chapter on the religious strife, -not forgetting to mention that George Fox -began his preaching in Nottinghamshire.