11 JUNE 1954, Page 31


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Luxe edition of Chambers'i Twentieth Cen- tury Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. These will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after 110011 on Tuesday week, Junr 22m1.0 and addressed: 'Crossword 786. 99 Gower St., London, W.C.f. Solialm mist be On the form here printed. The solution and the names of the 11 %IMO'S edt be Published In the following issue.


I. Big X. (6.) 4. Progress in Eastern Russia ? (8.) 10. You'll find Ranonic in the boat. (7.)

11. Countries aitached to the United Pro- vinces 7 (7.)

12. Is Dad at homc ? (4.) 13. ----- a hub to nica in, as the tool shows. (10.) 16. 'The pipes make us lazy. (6.) 17. Corn in the stack ? (7.) 20. Pre-cmptive city of the Scottish conic- (Ilan. (7.) 21. "1 never can be thankful. Mr. Bennet,

for anything about the ." (6.)

24. A nude's in it (snag.). (10.)

25. Standing order. (4.) 27. A wrap for the sickly toddler. (7.)

29. Did Lyle compose this ? (7.)

30. Where's the tin 7 03.)

31. ''Now -- the crimson petal, now• the white " (Tennyson). (6.)


1. Extreme comfort for bad Men. (8.)

2. It gives me a pain in the neck ! (II.) 3. " Beneath those rugged -, that Yew tree's shade " (Gray). (4.) 5. Lorry In the van, tient. (8.) 6. Faucet's musicae. (N.)

7. The daughter of lnachus goes not its when electrified. (3.) 8. Trade grapes for a cigarette. Oil 9. Feathered Ensign of the 971h. (5.) I." The only --- flower on .earth Is

virtue." (Cowper). (II .)

IS. Gory place for geographers. (10.)

18. Give Jock a shake-end where. (8,)

19. Belonging to Apartment X. (11.) 22. You'll find them in the ship possibly. (6.) 23. It's nearly all up with 31. (5.) 26. Earthquake in the Lido. (4.) 28. " So might 1, standine on this pleasant Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn •• (Wordsworth). (3.)