11 MARCH 1837, Page 10



The aspect of commercial affairs has considerably improved ; and the pressure for money, to which we have so frequently had occasion to refer, has been in a considerable degree removed. The dreaded 4th of the h, on which so much di-tress was anticipated, passed over, as we were enabled to notice in our latest impression last Saturday, without any disaster of importance ; fur although the two failures to which we then alluded, were those of established and respectable mercantile houses, their engagements were not of sufficient m- nitride to cause much general inconvenience by their non- fulfilment. The Colonial and produce mai kets have all improved during the last few days ; and the tone of business generally is much better than it has been for some time. Advices from New York to the 1I th of last month, two days later than pre. vim* arrivals, mention that the Money Market was not so firm as previously; the Exchange was also lower, having receded from 101 to 10fr to 10 and 91. A shipment to England of 400,000 dollars (about 80,0001.) in bullion, was however, in preparation for the next packet. The transactions in the English Funds have been trifling, but what has been done has been effected at advanced prices. There is still a plentiful supply of Money Stock ; and the difference between the price for Account and that for Money may be quoted at a quarter per cent. The Premium upon Ex- chequer Bills has improved 2s. per cent. In the Foreign Market, the Dutch Funds have improved with the rise in Consols, despite the approaching creation of Stock consequent upon the New Loan.

Brazilian Bonds have also risen about I per cent. The continued invest- ments in this Stock, induced no doubt by the punctuality with which all the obligations of the Brazilian Government are discharged, have absorbed almost all the Stock.

Spanish Stock has languished under the operation of the causes which have so long operated against it in our market,—viz. the delay of the military

operations, and the continued sales made on Foreign account. An addi- tional evidence (if any were wanting) has this week been given of the financial distress of the Government of Madrid, in the non-payment of Dividends due upon the Spanish Indemnity Bonds ; which, being the result of a special treaty between this Government and that of Spain, have hitherto through all its difficulties been regularly paid ; the whole amount which became due on the 7th instant dues not exceed 15,0001.

The Portuguese Funds are heavy at current prices; but they, as well as the South American, have been comparatively neglected. Tire Railway Shares have risen very rapidly, both in our market and at Liverpool and Manchester. London and Birmingham, which were done in London on Saturday last at 221, prem., and on the sae day at Manchester were 171. 10s. prem., have continued to rise ever since; to-day they ate M. to 371. prem., and were done on Werluesday at Manchester at 351. prem. The rise in the Great Western Shares has not been so great : during the period of greatest depression they were done as low as II. prem., and are to day 8/. to 91. prem. Southampton Shares are not so much in demand The Shares of the Aus- tralasian Bank are tooted at 171. prem. (Old) and 61. to 71. prem. (New). London and Westminster Bank are steady at our last prices.


Spanish Bonds are the only description of Stock in which there has occurred any variation during the morning, all the other varieties both of Foreign and English being at yesterday's quotutions. The business transacted has been so very trifling as not to require any remark. The Railway Shares have not varied iu a greater degree than the Funds. London and Birmingham are 33 to 37 prem. ; Great Western 71 8h prem. ; Greenwich lo to 2i prem. ; and Southampton 13 to 12 dis. : these, however, are merely nominal prices, as we are not aware of a single bargain having been effected in any one of them.


The Consols and most of the Foreign Stocks close without material variation from the morning's prices. Spanish Stock is rather higher; the Active Stock being 254 26. The Portuguese Bands are also firmer, at the current prices. There is no material variation in the Railway Shares. 3 per Cent. Consuls UN 1 Dauish 3 per Cents. 75 6 Mato tor Account SOS 1 Dutch 24 per COON 5.19 1 3 per Cent. Reduced shut Mexican 6 per Cent 241 5 New 34 per Cent Anus exalts, 9811 Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts 4Jf 94 Bank Stock Ditto 3 per Cent. 314 2 Italia Stock Ditto 5 per Cents 1836 Scrip. 514 24 Exchequer Bills 29 31 pr Prussian (1818) 5 per Cent .. ----• Belgian :1 per Cents 1024 Russian (1822) 5 per Cent, -. 1074 8 Brazilian 5 per Cents 57 88 Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... 231