11 MARCH 1837, Page 8

Cbe Itietropatto. At a Court of Common Council, held on

Thursday, Lord Dudley Stuart and a deputation from the Literary Association of the Friends of Poland attended, to present a resolution agreed to at a meeting of the Council of the Association, thanking the Corporation of the City of London for their liberal donation of 5001. to the distressed Poles.

Mr. Harrison Codd, late a junior clerk in the War Office, and an Assistant Poor-law Commissioner, has beets appointed a Magistrate

St the Worship Street Police-office, in the room of Mr. Halls, who bas resigned.

A deputation from the Central Committee of the Metropolitan Parishes waited on Mr. Spring Rice on Saturday, to represent the unfair manner in which the Land-tax is at present imposed, and the necessity of some measure to equalize the burden. Mr. Rice was, as he usually is, extremely courteous ; but does not seem to have spoken decisively in favour of or against the object of the deputation.

The Committee of the Church-rates Abolition Society have passed a resolution expressive of gratitude to Ministers for their "just, wise, and coned iritory measure" for abolishing the rates. If "conciliatory" menus ilea the Government plan has satisfied the Church party as well as the Dissenters, the word, as will be seen from other parts of this paper, is not properly used. Lord Bove has written a letter, by the command of the Queen, to Messrs. Cooper and Sons, mercers, in Waterloo Place, ordering silk for twelve dresses for her Majesty's use, to be made at Spitalfields, where the weavers are in great distress. The Queen hopes that her "countrywomen" will follow her example, in order to relieve the in. dustritais pour, and encourage the trade of Spitalfields.

The proprietors of the Thames Tunnel had a meeting on Tuesday ; Mr. B. Hawes in the chair. It is stated in the report of the Di- rectors, t bat the work is proceeding regularly though slowly, and that the most dangerous part of the river has now been passed. The nuna.• her of visiters during the year was 37,270, and the receipts from visitors 985/. The total amount advanced by Government was 65,000/. A deputation from Birmingham, consisting of the High Bailiff and Messrs. Alutitz, Shaw, and Vanwart, waited upon Lord Melbourne yesterday with a memorial relative to the suddenly altered and de- pressed state of trade in that town and neighbourhood. The deputa- tion was accompanied by the following Members of the Birmingham district,—Mr. Scholefield, Sir Eardley Wilmot, Mr. Dugdale, and Sir. William Williams.