11 MARCH 1848, Page 12

Sir Edward Blakeney, the Irish Commander-in-chief, Prince George of Cam-

bridge, Commander of the Dahlia garison, Colonel Brown and Mr. °Terrell, Commissioners of Police, attended at Dublin Castle on Thursday, for the pur- pose, it is presumed, of making precautionary arrangements for the 17th, the day of tha great demonstration. Acccunts from Glasgow tome dewo, by telegraph, to nearly five o'clock yes- terdiy afternoon: all was then tranquil. The miners of the Glasgow, Airdrie, and Holytown districts, to the number of 15,000 or 20,000, have struck for an advance of wages: they bold meetings, but are not violent.

Edinburgh was perfectly quiet yesterday at two o'clock.

The Manchester disturbances have subsided. They seem to have been rather overrated in importance. After tome slight "skirmishing," all was still at ten o'clock last night.