11 MARCH 1899, Page 24

Mysore. By B. Lewis Rice. 2 vols. (A. Constable and

Co. SOs. net.)—This is a new edition of a work published twenty years ago as "a gazetteer compiled for Government." It has been brought up to date, not without considerable labour, for indeed there is much to be added and changed when so long a period has elapsed. Mr. Rice begins by describing the country, its flora and vegetable products, and its fauna. He then sketches its history, its language and religion (Mysore is one of the regions where Christianity has had a marked success), its chief industries, and its government. Mysore was given back to native rule in 1881, and it is worth while to quote Mr. Rice's opinion on the relations between the Imperial Government and the State : "One cannot but be struck, in going over the modern history of Mysore, with the magnanimity of the British to this country, and equally with the manner in which the country has responded to the good influences exerted upon it." The second volume contains the " gazetteer " proper.