11 MARCH 1905, Page 16

[To THE EDITOR 07 THE " SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—In his criticism of

Mr. Wall's work on the " Shrines of the British Saints " in the Spectator of February 25th your reviewer falls into some strange errors. In regard to the term " martyrology," it is well known that in the Middle Ages these registers invariably denoted something more than a list of martyrs. All canonised persons found an entrance into such works quite irrespective of martyrdom. Of the status of S. Bede in the Ancient Kalendars of this country there can be no dispute. E.g., the Depositio sancti venerabilis Beds; presbyteri finds its place at May 26th in the ancient Drummond Kalendar ; also in the Martyrology of Christ Church, also in the famous Martyrology of O'Gorman. Again as to his miracles, the Sion Martyrology has this entry under the same date, which clearly reflects the practice of the time:— "In ye same yle of Englond ye deposycion of Saynt Bede called ye worshypfull (preest and most holy doctour of Englond) whose holsom doctryne is universally knowen and his lyfe and merytes done openly appere by his bokes and myracles, he dyed," &c. His feast as S. Bede is found in the Sarum Breviaries of 1530 and 1546 and in that of York. Your reviewer appears to be unaware that formerly there was no progress by successive steps to complete canonisation. The expression " Venerable" has no connection with the modern and limited application of the word.—I am, Sir, &c., NIALL D. CAMPBELL. 1714 Bath Club, 84 Dover Street, W.