11 MARCH 1905, Page 25

The Newspaper Press Directory (C. Mitchell and Co., 2s.) has

reached this year its "Diamond Jubilee." We notice among the attractions of this issue an excellent map of the United Kingdom, in which the character of various regions is distinguished by colours, "agricultural" being marked by green " mining " by dark-blue, and so forth. Sir Alfred Harmsworth congratulates the world on the improvement of newspapers, Mr. Ernest E. Williams is sanguine about "Tariff Reform," and the Hon. W. P. Reeves advocates "Australia a White Man's Country." From the various items of interesting information we may quote the following dates of weekly newspapers Weekly Dispatch, 1801; Lancet, 1823 ; Atheneum, 1828 (January) ; Record, 1828 (January); Spectator, 1828 (July); Broad Arrow, 1833. We mention those only which have exceeded the "three-score-and-ten" limit.