11 MARCH 1922, Page 1

Perhaps the worst point in the whole of this badly

bungled business is that a serious impediment has been placed in the way of the creation, on the foundation of the Unionist organiza- tions, of a solid, homogeneotis party—a party whose prime object should be the bringing together of all persons opposed to the follies and frauds of the various revolutionary cliques. The adherents of these cliques are few, no doubt, but they are exceed- ingly active, and ready. to seize every opportunity given by confusion and distraction among their opponents. Mr. Lloyd George has probably killed all furtlrer hope of giving unity to the upholders of Constitutional Democracy and Liperial solidarity. He has certainly killed the possibility of such unity under his leadership. How could any body of persons seeking national salvation through a policy of sanity and caution, wisdom, and freedom, again repose their trust in a man who has done what Mr. Lloyd George has done during the past ten days ? He is a lost leader if ever there was one. Even many of his most devoted Unionist followers are now saying, "Let him never come back to us."

"There would be doubt, hesitation and pain, Forced praise on our part—the glimmer of twilight Never glad, confident morning again."