11 MARCH 1949, Page 20


Sta,—About thirty years ago I came across a case of severe injury inflicted on a young girl as the result of circumcision by an ignorant midwife. I reported the case to the Sudan Government authorities and asked if this brutal custom could not be abolished. Sir 'Rudolf Slatin, whose knowledge of Sudan customs was unequalled, discussed the matter with some of the leading Sudanese, and I was informed that there was no religious basis for this custom but that it was not considered advisable, at that time, to take any strong action about it.

- The last thirty years have shown such great progress in the Sudan that it would appear that the time has come when action should be taken if it is pressed for. The proper training and registration of mid- wives that now exists should, of course, reduce the risks attached to such an operation, but that is not enough. With an enlightened Sudanese Legislative Assembly in being and qualified Sudanese doctors distributed over the Sudan, it should be possible to make this operation illegal and to see that the order is obeyed.—Yours faithfully, EDWARD S. CRisrmt, 'Late Director Sudan Medical Service 4 Parkside, Knightsbridge, S.W.r.