11 MARCH 1989, Page 22

Sense of humour

Sir: If Heath's cartoon (11 February) of the water company executive sprawling in the desert sand, watched by a vulture and gasping 'profit', had been aimed at a proper target it might have been quite funny. As things were depicted I was not amused.

An alternative and more accurate por- trayal would have been of the water man trying to operate a pump with two vultures sitting on its handle, one labelled 'EEC' and the other 'Department of Environ- ment'. The sarcastic comment might have been, 'Thank you for all the help you are giving me.'

Water legislation is changing my job from being a servant of my consumers to being a servant of a miscellaneous collec- tion of shareholders who fortuitously stand to make windfall profits from a situation which has done nothing towards develop- ing my sense of humour.

J. V. Ropner

Chairman, Hartlepools Water Company, 3 Lancaster Road, Hartlepool, Cleveland