11 MAY 1833, Page 10



On the 6th inst., at No. 9, Lower Berkeley Street, Portman Square, the Hon. Lady IIEATHCOTE,of a daughter.

On the 2d lust., the L. of Sir CFIARLES 'WITHAM, of Iligham, Suffolk, of a daughter. On the 4th iust., at Gisburne Park, Yorkshire, the Right Hon. Lady EIBBLESDALE, of a daughter. On the Silt inst., at No. 36, Portman Square, the Lady BINGHAM, of a daughter. On the 4th inst., in Brook Street, the Hon. Mrs. STANLEY, Lady of E. J. Stanley, Esq., M.P., of a daughter.

At Salisbury, on the 3d inst., the Hon. Mrs. PARE, of a daughter. On the 2t1 inst., at Teignmouth, Devon, the wife of ALBERT DE MIERRE, Esq., of a son.


On the4th inst.. at All Souls' Church, Marylebone, and at the Spanish Chapel, Man- chester Square, HARRIET JANE, youngest daughter of Sir Gerard Noel, Baronet,- of Exton Park, and one of the Members of Parliament for Rutland, to Don LOPEZ DE ARZE BANOS, of Toro, in Old Castile.

On the 6th inst., at Charlton, Blackheath, WILLIAM J. A. ABINGTON, Esq., BA., of Trinity College, Cambridge, and of the Middle Temple,to EMILY, youngest daughter of the late Samuel George Evans, Esq., of the Hon. East India Company's Medical Service, Bareilly, Bengal. On the 4th inst., at Charlton Kings, the Rev. Wmtram HICKS, Rector of Coberley, Gloucestershire, to MARY, daughter of the Rev. B. Grisdale, late Rector of Withington, In the same county. On the 30th tilt., at Edinburgh, JAMES FARQUHARSON, Esq., of Invercauld, to JANET

Hasramos, eldest daughter of the late General Francis Dundas, of Sanson, Berwick- shire. DEATHS.

On the 4th inst., in St. James's Square, the Countess DE GREY, in her 83d year. On the 19th ult., at Malta, after a few days' illness, in his 57th year, the Hon. Vice- Admiral Sir HENRY HOTHAM, K.C.B., K.S.M., S,G., Commander-in-Chief of his Majesty's ships in the Mediterranean. On the 19th ult., at Leamington, in her 27th year, after giving birth to a son, ANNE, the wife of Walter Stevenson Davidson, Esq., of Inebmarlo, Kincardineshire, and of St. James's Street, Banker. On the 4th inst., at her lodgings, 19, Queen's Buildings, Brompton, in her 42d year, after having given birth, on the 15th ult., to a daughter, still-born, CHARLOTTE LUCY, the beloved wife of John Henderson, late proprietor of the Hanover Hotel. VESEY, the Senior Yeoman of the Guard, in his 100th year.